Post pictures of your breakfast/lunch/dinner/midnight munch

Ooops!! Forgot to post this!!

This is me and Arianna's Gumbo from yesterday!!

all this food looks very nice
my dinner: (i'm trying to include more veg in my diet!)
pork chops, potatoes and veg - brocolli and carrot
laetitia85 said:
Kimbo said:
laetitia85 said:
My dinner:
Meatballs in a rich tomato sauce and pasta - yummy

:-P are those supanoodles?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
lol no they're not, they're supposed to be really thin pasta, but they look a bit sticky because i cooked them and ate them much later so they stuck together a bit!

i found some :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
from tesco.. called fine nests!! lol
Jenna ...oh how I miss pink cava..Well cava full stop! Mmmm! Sainsbo's do a non alcoholic sparking wine but it is SO fizzy!!!
Kylie1007 said:
Jenna ...oh how I miss pink cava..Well cava full stop! Mmmm! Sainsbo's do a non alcoholic sparking wine but it is SO fizzy!!!

He he its amazing :cheer:
Its chow mein sauce from morrisons, its only about 50p and its lovely :cheer:
Sorry Jenna that first pic made me fel sick :puke: lol I hate egg yolk!!!

The rest looks delish though!!!
frangelle said:
Sorry Jenna that first pic made me fel sick :puke: lol I hate egg yolk!!!

The rest looks delish though!!!

I know it does look gross doesnt it :rotfl: Its yummy though :cheer: hate egg white but love the yolks! :hug:
ummmmmm some of the dinners look soooo nice

laetitia85 you must be sooo healthy :lol: your breakfasts look great im lucky if i get rice crispies

im going to start taking pics of our meals today

and more
chips :lol: :oops:
I haven't been taking pics of my food recently, as it;s just been snacks all day. But I'm trying to learn how to cook real meals so every couple of weeks I try a new dinner challenge and then take pics after if I am pleased with my achievement :)

Here's my first attempt at a roast a couple of weeks back - it was Lamb and I think I did quite a good job...


Here was my attempt at christmas log, with white choc sprinkled on top and a white chocolate snowman for decoration...


And this wasn't me but thought I would show you the size of the Philpotts buffet I ordered in for my office :) (I am the buffet queen - people leave any food orders to me cos they know I'd do a good job!)...

carbonara :lol:


and strawberry smoothie with strawberries!


ha tomato puree
half fat cheese
usually i do this on pitta bread but i didnt have any lol so i had 2 do it on normal bread
9 points that just cost me lol
looks yum becks how are you getting on with your weightwatchers hun :D ,i have just started going back to meetings again, i lost 12lb at the begining of the year and then gave up but luckily didn't put any back on :dance: ,so went back on wednesday and hope to shift the last few stone :oops: ,and 21 points doesn't seem to go far :D xx
haha i been going 3 weeks and
1st week i lost 7lb
2nd - 3 and a half lb
yesterday - 2lb

so 12 and a half all together
tbh i dnt get that hungry and i drink coke 24/7 haha
i fill up on onions mostr of the time i bloody love them
next week im thinking of buying they're recipe book
blimey becks what a brill start that is so good :dance: ,i was thinking of getting their cook book it looks good, i used to keep a jar of pickle onions in the fridge and just keep picking them might get some actually :D xx
I dont like onions raw haha they have 2 be heated
but anything free of points is brill
like my lunch 2day only the cheese & bread is what cost me points
the bread 2
and cheese 5!! its half fat though n still alot for 80g
cheese is hard on the old points :( ,what do you do with your cooked onions then hun :D xx

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