possitive hpt after miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
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hi im asking for a family member how long after a miscarriage would all hcg levels go from your body as she has started with pg symptoms and there is a very faint line on the test and i dont want her to get her hopes up if you could still have hcg in your body any information at all will be gratefull she has been getting negative opt she did them daily to see the level drop but 1 on the 5th looks darker than the 1 on the 4th so could this mean ovulation its been 16 days since she miscarried
When I mc I still got a positive test a week after! I didn't test after that though so not sure how long it took for my hormones to calm down!
thanks laceys mum i havent a clue what to say to her all i have said is that it could still be left over hcg and only way to know is blood test to check
whendid your symptoms go fully she said they ll went but have come back even the metal taste in her mouth she had a confirmation scan that all did fully go so no d&c needed im so confused for her
hi, it depends how far gone she was, i still have positive tests 7 wks later although i was 12 weeks gone, its a real tough time and want it so bad just b there for her and i hope all goes well for her xx
she has an follow appointment on friday so she is going to see what they say she knows its all gone as the scan was clear but with symptoms restarting and now a faint line she doesnt know whats what and is left in limbo really
I had what i thought was a chemical pregnancy...doctor said mmc, my positive tests lasted for 3 week after so i think everyone is different.
thanks shauna i think she is going to see if they will do a blood test to make sure hcg has gone or at least going down it so confusing for her
Your welcome, i know it is so hard :( hope everything works out for her xxx
I had HCG in my system for 14 weeks after my miscarriage. I was 10 weeks pregnant when I got the bad news. The only sure way really is to get a blood test and to monitor how fast or slow it is dropping. Hope this helps. Elly x

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