Positive pregnancy with ovulation induction


New Member
Mar 5, 2022
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I am not sure if i have come to the right place but I am looking for some advice/support.

In Jan i began my first cycle of ovulation induction using Letrozole with the support of a private fertility clinic. They monitored the egg development regularly but the egg took a little longer to respond to the medication so instead of finding a dominant egg on day 12, it was around day 16/17 when the egg had grown to the right size. Therefore we had timed sex every two days and it worked. We got pregnant! (Lots of happy tears!)

We went for an early 7 week scan (7+4 days based on the date from first day of last period)

However there was only the pregnancy sac visable on the screen. I am going again on Wednesday to check whether i am a week out with my timings or whether it is actually a miscarriage.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Should i be preparing for the worst?
I am not sure if i have come to the right place but I am looking for some advice/support.

In Jan i began my first cycle of ovulation induction using Letrozole with the support of a private fertility clinic. They monitored the egg development regularly but the egg took a little longer to respond to the medication so instead of finding a dominant egg on day 12, it was around day 16/17 when the egg had grown to the right size. Therefore we had timed sex every two days and it worked. We got pregnant! (Lots of happy tears!)

We went for an early 7 week scan (7+4 days based on the date from first day of last period)

However there was only the pregnancy sac visable on the screen. I am going again on Wednesday to check whether i am a week out with my timings or whether it is actually a miscarriage.
Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Should i be preparing for the worst?

Congrats on your little bean! <3

I did experienced this, and in my case, it was a missed miscarriage; however, I think there are plenty of mommies that go on to have their sweet little baby in their arms…and are just a few days off. Panicking/worrying will only make things worse….not that it’s easy to control. :(

In my case, I went in at 7.5 weeks for a regular ultrasound. They found the sac, but no fetal pole, heart beat, anything. I had spotting the week before. I had called my office and they assured me it was probably just normal. I was scheduled for two weeks later to get a second ultrasound. In the meantime though they put me on progesterone since I was spotting….they thought it was possible that I was too early for the ultrasound and that I might need the progesterone. In the end though….that just delayed everything by six weeks. That part was sad, but honestly, I’d rather had been safe and tried, than regretted not having tried it. When I went back in for my second ultrasound everything remained the same.

I would say for you it is really good that 1. You know you ovulated differently than planned, so dates could be off. 2. You haven’t had spotting. 3. Your definitely early, so it could just be too soon.

I will follow, please keep us posted! Will be praying your little bean sticks. <3

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