Poos escaping from nappies.

Often its trial and error with nappies tbh. Some people find one make, say Pampers works fine, another, say Huggies, not. But another person is the reverse. I used biodegradable ones also but they leaked lots also :roll: Otherwise I'd have stuck with them. Some swear by Tesco own brand but I found them crap and bulky in all the wrong places. And because I always bulk buy my nappies when on special they work out cheaper than Tesco own brand anyways then :lol:

We started off using Huggies, LO leaked out of them all the time so switched to Pampers and have never looked back.

I tried using cloth nappies but had so many problems in the first 5 months after giving birth it was just too much of an ask for me to cope with the extra laundry. I have tried them since but the ones I tried I wasn't keen on. Will try again the next time he goes up a size as I'd like to go over to them at least for daytime now he is older and I can cope with the laundry.
Ok im using Pampers and have been since little, she is in size two.
Should i give Huggies a whirl
It depends. You could buy a small pack and see.

How much does she weigh and what weight is size 2 Pampers meant for?

I found for LO that as he was a big baby it was better to go up to the bigger size as soon as he reached the weight rather than stay in the smaller size till he hit the top end for it, if that makes sense. Bigger nappy covered more :lol:
She was 11lb 9 last week so poss 12 something now ot thereabouts now.The size 2 pampers suit 6-13lb
Ive found Sainsburys own brand the best nappy they last all night :D
zach leaks sometimes in pampers, but not very often. i do like them the best though.
tesco's own brand are crap, which is annoying cause they're so cheap!
chickadee1976 said:
She was 11lb 9 last week so poss 12 something now ot thereabouts now.The size 2 pampers suit 6-13lb

I'd go up a size personally if she is around 12lb now and size 2 is up to 13lb. Isn't size 3 from 9lb or some such.
charlotte_ said:
tesco's own brand are crap, which is annoying cause they're so cheap!

I find Tescos one of the best! :D

Boys and girls also vary too! What I found ok for the boys as crap for Lucy and now Lola!
I prefer Tesco and Sainsbury's but Sainsbury's have no stretch so I need to buy the size up for her (shes a size 2 in pampers and tesco, needs a 3 in Sainsbury's?)
Pampers I hate! Leaks all over! It really is trial and error! And what suits baby now will probably not soon and then pampers might be good again! Its a pain lol
Hi Hun

My son is 11lb 15oz and i have him in size 3 pampers nappies.
I also use the sleep dry ones for night times and have found them to be really good.

I stocked up on Huggies before Liam was born and found they leaked really bad so i still have a few packs unused :roll:
So maybe just buy one pack of Pampers size 3 and see how your little girl gets on with those.

:hug: xxx
It really is trial and error, and personally i would try a small pack of a few different ones until you find one that works. Also go up a size as Sherlock suggested, they hold more! I was a pampers mummy with my son and everything else i tried either didnt fit him right or would leak/make him sore, so i opted for pampers again with my daughter. However we had the same scenario as you with gravity-defying poo all up her back everytime she soiled them, so i tried huggies and they seem to fit her better and so far, no escaping poo!! All babies are shaped differently and 2 babies who weigh the same wont carry their weight in the same places, so it stands to reason that the same nappy wont necessarily suit them both iykwim x :hug:
I'm using a mixture :lol: . I have a pack of active fit pampers for during the day if we're out as they are less bulky. Tesco no.3 for when we're at home and not doing much having a lazy day and using Tesco no.4 for night time. When I use up the no.3 size I will be sticking with no.4 though.
When the nappies started to explode :lol: I used to go up a size and it solved the problem :D It is just trial and error though :)
I always went with the biggest size possible for his weight, if that makes sense, and it helped. There was still generally an assplosion once a week or so, though, even if it was just a gentle leak through the leg.
pampers have always been the best for us... leahs dad bought a big bulk packet of huggies and she's leaked everytime
Its bloody annoying when this happens poor mites!

nothing you're doing Hay still has this problem, I think its the runnier pooeys that escape otherwise they are fine, i also think its time to p the nappy size when t happens often...
i use huggies and have no real problems but sometimes if he does a poo and then a wee after the wee escapes bringing some poo with it as the wee cant absorb but this has only happened once or twice though. i am still in size 1 and am hoping to eeeek him out as i still have a couple of packs left lol.

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