Poorly - need sympathy

It's been about 2-3 years since I last had it so I'm lucky not to get it too often.

I went up for a nap at 630 last night. My oh tried to wake me for diner an hour or so later but couldn't. I woke up when he came to bed then straight back to sleep until 530! 11 hours proper sleep, most unlike me.

Still feel weak and feeble but more from the cold than the infection now. I'm definitely on the mend

Oh and only a tiny amount of blood now :-)
:hug: Scotch Egg

Aww that's horry hunny, cystitis is Evil (with a capital E). Hope they can squeeze you in as soon as possible! xx
still at home, still weak and still feeling really really rotten

I've not been sick like this in...I don't know how long...since I had the flu and was in bed for a week when I was about 14...
If you think the antibiotics aren't working make sure you get back to the docs asap. I ended up being signed off work for 2 weeks because the first lot of antibitics didn't work. Make sure you drink plenty of water (even though its agony to wee) and get plenty of rest.

I really feel for you as I remember how awful I felt. Its certainly different to normal cystitis.
i think they're working as it no longer hurts to pee and i'm getting tons of water - it's the fever I'm struggling to shift. still hot and cold and totally without energy. doesn't help that I've got a cold too.

had to call nhs direct this morning because i had the shakes non stop for almost an hour, but that's passed now...

i just want to get better!!!

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