Poorly 2 year old.......now its been a week!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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My little boy Jack has been poorly the last few days, started off with a runny tummy and we went through a fair few nappies. Then yesterday he was sick about 3 times. Everytime he ate something or drank milk he brought it back up again. He was ok in himself last night, quite happy, still playing etc.

But this morning he has got worse. He slept through ok last night. I checked on him around 10/11pm and he had been a little sick but was asleep so i didnt want to disturb him. He slept through till 10 this morning and even then I had to wake him up (he usually wakes at 6.30)

He has not eaten a thing today, not even a rich tea biscuit. He has drank milk but was sick after it so been sticking to water. Rang nhs direct for advice and they adviced flat coke for rehydration, and he has been drinking that as well as water. (would never normally let him drink coke)

He really is very weary today and sleepy, lying around a lot.

I have made him an apt to see the doctor later, and have checked for any rashes.

Just wanted to ask what you guys do when your little ones are poorly? what do you do regarding food and drink? do you give them any meds?

Any advice would be great, isn't it horrible when they are not well!!! :(
Sounds like how Arianna was when we were in the states.... keep him to the water and try only to give him a little of it every 30mins or so, if he drinks too much at once he will prob throw it up and end up dehydrated.

We were given Pideolite from the doctors over there - not sure if you get it here, but it's a powder to add to water to help rehydrate little ones.
Jack still isn't eating today. Slept with me last night and bought up some liquid during the night (mainly the flat coke the doctor advicd to give)

His temperature is down and he is a little more talkative but still lying around all sleepy.

Anyone any advice? He has had a little milk and so far kept it down, along with water.

How long do you think this will last?
Jack is still not well. His sickness, diarheorra and temperature has gone but a week later and he is still not eating very well, lying around on the sofa, not interested in his toys and has absolutley no energy. Im really concerned now - I want my cheeky chappy back.

He is definitely not weeing as much either and when I changed his nappy this morning it looks brown???

Please, any one have any advice????

I did take him to docs and rang nhs direct. the doc said to get a urine sample but he isn't potty trained so thats practically impossible!!!
Have you tried giving him diorylite. Doesnt taste so good but might do the trick
chickadee1976 said:
Have you tried giving him diorylite. Doesnt taste so good but might do the trick

no what is it? he has just had calpol for his temperature. he was having flat coke (recommended by the doctor for rehydration) but not in the last few days as he brought some back up in bed.
dark wee is a sign that he is starting to get dehydrated.

Could you let him have some time with the nappy off and just have a cup at the ready to collect a sample.

If I were you I would call the doctors back tomorrow just to get him checked again - there seems to be so many bugs going around just now.

Hope he gets better soon.

P.S. Diorylite is to rehydrate them - you can buy it over the counter.
we are quite worried about him, its like he has had a personality transplant. Then you worry about meningitus and if its affecting his head in any way! Sounds OTT but he really is like a different litle boy.

Will try the cup and nappy thing. OH thinks we should take him back to the docs tomorrow while Im seeing the MW.

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