pooing after birth!


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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i had my baby yesterday and i'm dreading needing a poo! My bum feels like its falling out and i dont want to push anything out of it!

how bad is it gonna be and how long is it likely to be uncomfotable for?
as gross as it sounds don't push, just let it fall out :hug: be prepared to be on a loo a while as well x
i was frightened of my first post-birth poo and wouldnt go for 5 days i barely ate anything coz i didnt wanna make any poo to have to do :lol:

but its so not as scarey as i expected. just relax and take ur time. :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It took me a few days and it wasn't nice at all, but just try and relax and look into some laxatives or stool relaxants if you really feel its going to be difficult to pass, also olive oil on the bumhole helps, sorry if TMI :hug: and CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your baby :hug: :cheer: :hug:
Were you cut? If you were not dont worry about it, it may be a bit tender but if you have piles or are constipated eat weetabix drink loads of water and have some germaloids for afters as you may be feeling very sore.

Just sit there and let it come out on its own, dont strain.
I had a bad tear in that direction, (so bad that they thought I would have to got to theatre) and was really worried about my first poo.

When I did eventually go, I had no problems. xxx
Thankfully, I never had any pain peeing or pooing after giving birth.

Everybody has given brilliant advice, can't really add to it. Just try and relax.

Congratulations on the birth of your baby :D
The hospital where I had my babies wouldnt let me go home until I had been for a number 2 to make sure I think that I wasnt affraid of going! You think its going to hurt but it doesnt (like you would imagine it would) even if its a little tender, you will be fine!
You know, I thought all hospitals did that lol, you learn something new everyday!! :D

Congratulations BTW!!! :clap: :cheer:
i didnt even realise i hadnt been for 4 days....... then i went, and it was the biggest poo id ever seen :puke: :oops:

I had to be cut giving birth, but i didnt have any pain when i went to the loo. It just started coming and there was bog all i could do about it, lol.
i wasnt cut and didnt tear but i think i have piles (or a pile, singular lol)

thanks for the replies!!
I didn't tear there but I didn't poo for a couple of days after the birth and now I am in agony! I suffer from fissures occassionally and I now have a BAD BAD one. It hurts ALL the time and I really need to find time to go to the Dr. It's horrible so don't put off going!!!!!
I have a pile which is troublesome at times. I eat bran every day and when Im having a poo which is painful (which isnt very often thanks to the bran) I use a piece of tissue to hold the pile down while Im pooing which makes it 1000 times easier/less painful. sorry about TMI :D

Hope they stop troubling you soon :hug:

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