poo and pocket nappies...advice please!


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
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ive started using pocket nappies and its going really well. i am having some leaks but i know this is because his vest is a bit tight now and is sliding between his leg and the nappy so getting wet so just need to buy bigger vests! but jack pooed the other day and was quite explosive and i had trouble getting the poo off the fleece liner and still after 2 washes there is still poo in the creases of the plastic around the leg where the elastic is bunging it together. was thinking about maybe soaking my napies rather than just putting them in an empty bucket, would this help? any other advice?
Didn't want to read and run but leave it with me......

Going to ask some experts! :wink:
You could try soaking them in a pre-wash like napisan but be aware this does shorten the nappies life.

The best thing to do is rely on the weather! Nothing bleaches poo stains out like sunshine. And apparently frost is fabulous too, just hang the nappies out overnight during a cold snap.

The good news is a the moment it's sunny but cold weather's on it's way so you should be able to shift them. Let us know how you get on :D
thank you minky thats really helpful! will hang them outside and see if it helps. thank you!!
hi hun I ain't no expert by any means as I've only just start to test reusable nappies myself, but with the pocket nappies I tend use a liner (can just pick it up and flush, which is great if baba has done a poo!) also I do soak my nappies about 24hrs before washing them (I soak them in hot water with some tee tree oil), the one time Otis had done a poo in his pocket nappy most of it was caught in the liner so I could just flush away, after soaking it and then putting it through a hot wash it was fine abolutely no staines! 8)
thanks daggers, will think about using flushable liners i think, althouh we had another poo today and it wasnt quite so runny as the other one so most of it dropped in the toilet and then i used the hose to get rid of the rest, it came away from the fleece really easily! lol, this cloth thing is hard work but im sure once you get in a routine its soo much easier! i do love my cloth nappies!
do you have a shower?

i have a power shower, i turn it up full and blast the nappies it gets poop out all the creases :D
i didnt think of that! my shower ist a power shower tho so i might be there a while! my hose is right outside my kitchen door and my nappy bin is just inside the kitchen door so that has worked really well today, and ive had plenty of chance to try it out today, jack has pooed 4 times, usually he poos oncle maybe twice! think he is tryin to get me used to handling poo on cloth nappies! i get loads of power from the hose so within 30 seconds the nappy is almost clean!
thanks for all your advice ladies, problem sorted!

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