
New Member
Jul 5, 2006
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is it possible to kill the baby inside you using drugs or alcohol??
not sure on that one hun, BUT i know it can do seriouse damage. My mum drank all the way through being PG with my lil sister shewas born with a heart murmer (sp?) where her heart beat was 3 times faster than ours and she had to have tamazipam (sp?) to slow her heart down. I rememeber the first time she got home the monitor that was attatched to her went off 26 times in the space of 3 hours and my parents were drunk and my oldest sister being 14 at the time had to ring for an ambulance and while on the fone she was told how to help her breath again. yeah you would have thought they would have stopped drinking then but they havent its all got worse but i wont go into it. Im sure there is a website that you can look up on how drugs and alchol can effect the baby and what damage it does.

sorry if this hasnt answerd your question
Excessive drugs and alcohol certainly wouldn't do the baby much good, or your self for that matter.
I dont think you would kill the baby but you could make it very unwell.
Are you worried you may have hurt your baby?
Tell us, we are here to help!
if you have taken drugs or drank alot no one here will judge you were all just here to share our exoeriences and give help and support and were all looking for advice aswell hun
Drinking alcohol while pregnant... I drank while pregnant first time round. I was only 17/18 and thought I new everything and the doctors were wrong :roll: yes I was an idiot.
Thankfully my son is perfect and no signs of the alcohol affecting him ...yet anyway.

Drugs.... I got spiked with an 'E' while pregnant with my first, I told the doctor about it, he did some research for me and said that 'Es' hadnt been known to leave long lasting damage on baby... but he stressed that .....there is only a tiny amount of research done on the affects of taking 'Es' while pregnant and therefor the damage was not known He said that taking any sort of drugs were harmful to the unborn baby as the drugs travel through your blood and the babies aswell and when its developing that can be seriously damaging. Bbays have been known to be born with serious health problems, this includes missing arms or legs etc and if they are lucky enough to have arms and legs all in the right place, the underlining problems could still be present... i.e problems with organs... this includes the brain. Baby could be born with brain damage. This can also happen if the drinking of alcohol continues thoughtout the pregnancy.

Hope I havent scared you, but it is very serious for baby and for whoever is taking drugs and drinking alcohol to the excess while pregnant.
If you need to talk to someone you can alway PM me hun xx
i think this person is quite young..pregnant...embarassed about going for an abortion or talking to someone and look for a 'diy' way out
ebony_preggy said:
i think this person is quite young..pregnant...embarassed about going for an abortion or talking to someone and look for a 'diy' way out

OMG hun if thats the case PLEASEEEEEEE talk to us first.
We dont think any less of you, we are ALL here to support each other no matter what the situation is. Hope your okay xx
pm anyone of us if you feel you cant talk on the forum

thats just what i thought becaz thats wat scared young girls do in my country...

but yes babes... pm us if u need to talk to someone
welll, i dont know for SURE if i am pregnant, but im still freaking out that i am.
im only 15 years old, and i made a terrible mistake that i know i'd get judged for, for the rest of my life.

getting an abortion would be a painfull and terrifying experience for me and i really dont want to take it.
i should take a test and actually find out.
Thannks ladies, and i am surprised how you took that.
what would i look for as early signs of pregnancy if i am..
i know nausea, such as "morning sickness", emotions, and moodswings, tiredness, breast tenderness ....but i have nonee of these.

Is there anything i could do at home to determine pregnancy? :think:
your best bet is to do a pregnancy test. If you feel you cant talk to your parents or whoevers living at home, then you can always talk to us. We've been through it and some of us were teenagers when we got pregnat, I was 17. I know not as young as you, but im sure some of the girls on here were.

Were here if you need us.... :hug:
Emilawh said:
welll, i dont know for SURE if i am pregnant, but im still freaking out that i am.
im only 15 years old, and i made a terrible mistake that i know i'd get judged for, for the rest of my life.

getting an abortion would be a painfull and terrifying experience for me and i really dont want to take it.
i should take a test and actually find out.
Thannks ladies, and i am surprised how you took that.
what would i look for as early signs of pregnancy if i am..
i know nausea, such as "morning sickness", emotions, and moodswings, tiredness, breast tenderness ....but i have nonee of these.

Is there anything i could do at home to determine pregnancy? :think:

only a preggy test becaz not everyone get 'symptoms'... my friend was 5 month preggy wen she found out.. she felt movements in here tummy and went to the doc..and they told her :shock:
i know you may not do this and may not be anywhere that does it near you but where i used to live there were these nuns called the innocence where teenagers went for pregnancy tests free and was confidential as i know if you went to family planning i dont know if they would have to speak to your parnts because your under 16.

Hope your ok hun as i know you must be thinking that everyone will hate you but trust me you will have loads of support im sure from your friends and family, try getting a test for sure and please let us know the results
Good Luck hun, but if you get a positive, PLEASE come on here and talk to us first, as there are people here you can talk to who will not judge you, but will do their best to help you, we have all been young and have all made mistakes.....you wont be the first and certainly not the last!

It could easily all be a false alarm for you hun, I hope that it is.........please let us know how you get on either way :hug: xx

Welcome to the forum and liek everyone else has said you can always talk to us just keep us updated i was 18 wheni got preg go to the teenage section if you are there are tons of us :D

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