Poems and portraits of poorly children


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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I didn't know where to put this(if its in the wrong place feel free to move it or if it is inappropriate) but i have been trying to get some inspiration of the net for poses for Amy and Jacks portraits tomorrow.

I have just spotted this photographer on there


Look in the portfolios at the heart and soul section, its photographs of termenilly ill children from a certain charity.

It is beautiful, poems and pictures of poorly babies and their families................. Brought a tear to my eye.

I'm sorry if this upsets anyone, it is quite upsetting but very beautiful
wow, nothing usually makes me cry i never show my feelings but that really hit me. its so sad
the one of the lady and her son that looked about 3.
it was heart breaking
before i was a mum i wouldnt get upset by that but now im a mum its heart renching. its every mothers worst nightmare, and unfortunaly them nightmares come true for some
I absolutely cried my eyes out, its so nice of a photographer to take photographs of the childs last moments with their families!

never seen anything like it :cry:
Wow, thats all i can say, them pictures were truly beautiful
Oh just got a suprise when he wlaked in as i have tears streaming down my face.
What a talented photographer

thanks for sharing that Yvonne
i wonder if any one can look through with out crying???

im so not like that usually.

the one that got me was the brown haired lady holding her 3ish yr old son and he had a sad look on his face.
im so silly all i ever think about is "what if" and i sit and imagin these situations and just get upset. but truely imagin sitting there with your child knowing they will be leaving the world soon. im not strong anough, i dont think ild get through it

i think god can be to cruel some times.
The one that got me was the little girl holding her baby brother!

The poems are lovely.

Hope it hasn't upset or offened anyone i just had to show.
They are beautiful and so so so sad. Am sat here with tears streaming down my face. Am so lucky to have a healthy baby, and there I am moaning about her behaviour :( Just want to go in and give her a big snuggle :(
That one got me as well but the worst one for me was the little girl really close to the camera looking staright at it and the baby in the background
The premature baby?? i thought that was sad to.

:( :(

Although they are sad in a way they are also fantastic, does anyone get what i mean?
OMG i cant believe how beautiful they are and to think that something so precious is no longer here I just want to wake matthew up and hug him :cry:
I couldn't look through them all but the ones I saw were lovely.
Yvonne said:
The premature baby?? i thought that was sad to.

:( :(

Although they are sad in a way they are also fantastic, does anyone get what i mean?

I know exactly what you mean hun

and i was wondering how mant photographers over here would take pics lik ethat??? especially if they had just died or were dying :?
were al them babies still alive in the pics?

who else has just gone and give thier baby a kiss, dio and harley are asleep but i just had to. to be able to kiss and smell them, im so lucky
I think there was 1 or 2 that had passed away :?
wow what beautiful pictures - i couldn't stop cryind seeing these pics! Photos are great memories
s**t i only got half way. what a beautiful gift to give to a parent. makes you just want to hug and hold your babies close doesnt it.
Thanks yvonne looking at all those pictures made me think how lucky i am and sitting there looking through them made me cry too its truely beautiful -xx-

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