PMT and Spots

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Oh Merlin, I've come out with two spots, forhead and chin, and have shouted at the Greengrocer, the bank, Virgin Media and ripped the rotary arm out of my dishwasher!

3 days til AF and I think it must be coming early and in force.

Please please don't! I dont feel like I can bare it.
I feel your pain.... I am having a spot epademic .... they are just multiplying at ridiculous speed!!

I've read many many MANY instances of women who were completely and utterly convinced AF was on her way, getting their BFP.

It tends to vary for me when i start being a mega b1tch, not that i mean that you are being a mega b1tch...


At least washing the dishes by hand is supposed to be relaxing lol ;)
Hey starfish, lovin your avatar..... trying to be nice in case you bite my head off lol....
Louise - love it - you are soooo grounded and fab on this forum!!
well im the same my OH dont dear come near me lol
and this cat well if it miaows any louder tomorrow morning im kiking it out ( 2days till AF)
Last night I definitely had PMT. Poor OH couldn't do anything right. He kept talking when I was trying to do work then he was yawning. Man! The most irritating yawns in the world. It wasn't even like they were silly fake yawns they were genuine, tired, it's after ten and we've had a long day sort of yawns. I was yawning too! But for some reason every time OH moved I wanted to tell him off for it!
aww these poor men how thy put up with us for so long ill never know lol
lol it was a bit funny this morning. OH was like "do you think you'll get your period soon?" and I said probably by the weekend. He said "I thought so, something you said last night made me think you would" :lol:

I think the something I said last night was probably on the lines of "STOP BLOODY YAWNING! YOU'RE DOING MY HEAD IN!" :lol: Wonder what gave it away?
thats so funny my OH ses.... oh no shes ratty again alfie lets evacuate for a week untill shes chilled out he ses that the witch is stress relief lmao
hahah no shes causing the bloody stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At least washing the dishes by hand is supposed to be relaxing lol ;)

Grump grump mountain of feckin washing up, stupid bosch people, stupid guarantee, a week waiting list to be seen, not feeling v relaxed! Needed someone else to shout at and blamed husband and now he's not talking to me again. Stupid husband. Grump humph
Hey starfish, lovin your avatar..... trying to be nice in case you bite my head off lol....
Louise - love it - you are soooo grounded and fab on this forum!!

Thanks Tracey, yours too, cute as buttons (if you like buttons, maybe it should be cute as fluffy bunnies or something a bit cuter than buttons :oooo:)
Dont count yourself out yet... i got spots up until AF but now im pregnant ive never got so many!!! So you never know xxx
I feel like a freakin pizza at the moment!! I think I am going to use my 'Catastrophe' face mask from Lush tonight to see if I can calm my pizza face down! :mad:
hope its a good sign mrs grump ;) lol just joking. here's hoping it's your turn starfish, you deserve it xxx

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