Did you lose your plug all in one go? If so, how long did it take for you to go into labour?
I had sweep yesterday, then my entire HUGE plug dislodged this morning and now...... nothing..... not even a twinge?
Any experiences to share?
I lost most of my plug on the Thursday night and abit more on Friday morning then had nothing else, no pains or anything at all until the following Sunday evening when my waters just went. I then started getting contractions around 3am Monday and had him 8.07am on the Monday morning
I lost mine all in one go at around midnight on saturday night, having mild period pain at the time. By 6am in the morning I was having regular contractions and admitted to hospital, and had my son at midday on sunday. Was defo the start of labour for me!! x
I lost my plug the morning after my sweep - contractions started that night. My friend also had a show straight after the sweep but contractions didn't start for 3 days.
Mine only came out twice about the week before labour, but it was very, very slight, just clear to begin with.
Last Sunday morning it came away properly, along with blood (sorry TMI) and I had Dan the following morning
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