Pleased to annouce that Jack is not gonna walk in circles:)


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Ok, i can't remember if i posted after Jack had had his 8 month check so i'll just recap

First of all he was 9 month before the set a date!!
Then it was totally differant to what i was expecting; with Emily it was me her and Hv and she checked everything hearing co ordination and stuff

With Jack it was in a room with 5 other babys waiting til a changing mat was free, anyway i sat Jack on the floor to play 1 HV came up and said " oh yeah he seems to be doing what he should" wtf????

She told me not to let him drink out of a beaker where he would have to 'suck' as if i did he would never say mummy'cos the correct muscles wouldn't develop wtf?????? again???? :roll:

Anyway i laid Jack on the mat to get measured and i swear to god this woman( not the one who had been spaeking to me) didn't have a clue what she was doing, you know the maesure mat things they use?
well this was hanging slight off table and she brought it up to his feet, she couldn't have got proper reading
Then measured his head and said"all the babys heads have measured the same today" what the hell??? the one next to me was tiny compared to Jack

Anyway she told me that Jack had one leg shorter than the other 1/2 centimeter to be exact!!!!!

well i just laughed at her and said "are you for real?" She replied" yes it is extremly important you take him to GP"

I had never heard owt so daft in my life.
They didn't even write in his red book, told me it was being phased out the 8 month checks!!!!

I swera a first time mum round here would have been terrified

Any how i took Jack to docs today and they looked at me like i was daft when i told them why i was there

Happily both his legs are the same length 25 cm inside and he won't be walking in circles :rotfl:
Thats awful! But funny if you think about it, how did they get one leg shorter than the other!?? :wall:

Jack has his next month.

My HV told me it has changed since i had Amy..... Should be fun!
It is funny, i creased myself laughinin when i got home, but if that had happened with Emily , i would have been at A&E flapping that she was gonna be deformed :rotfl:

it's awful Yvonne how much it has changed so be prepared
For God's sake. What is the matter with these health visitors? The last time we went to get Jamie weighed I came home with steam coming out my ears. I could quite have easily thumped the woman. We were told that we must put Jamie on his tummy for 2 hours a day otherwise he will dyslexic when he grows up :shock:

Going again on Monday & not looking forward to it.
nicki said:
I could quite have easily thumped the woman. We were told that we must put Jamie on his tummy for 2 hours a day otherwise he will dyslexic when he grows up :shock:

Going again on Monday & not looking forward to it.

why did she say that??? is that there lastest new thing now? i swear they will drive some mothers crazy. luckily my HV is great she is so down to earth. she aint pushy about breast feeding and is all against hospitals no longer having formula. and about waiting till 6months to wean she says "dionne your the mum you no best try and hold out till 4months if he will wait till 6months great but dont worry myself over it"
she is a normal HV not a wierd obsesive one :D
nicki said:
We were told that we must put Jamie on his tummy for 2 hours a day otherwise he will dyslexic when he grows up :shock:

Going again on Monday & not looking forward to it.

WTF?!!!!!! thats ridculas!!!

i only saw my HV for a few weeks when jamie was newborn and they come round and do the routine checks etc, she told me off for holding jamie when he is asleep!!!! told me too put him down in moses basket! i though cheeky cow how dare she tell me when i can or cant hold my own son!!!! and so what if i hold him while hes asleep!!!!
The best thing was when Jack was smaller around 4 1/2 months i made the mistake of telling her i had starting weaning, didn't tell her he was on 'proper' food, just told her baby rice.

She wasn't happy at all and i said"well if you lot would make up your minds when is best to wean we wouldn't have a problem would we?, i was told to start at 4 month with Emily"
She looked really suprised and said " oh, so you already have a child?, well i guess you know what you are doing then" :wall:

I swear to god they love to make new first time mums feel like shit

she said to me this time " i hope you are giving Jack a well balanced variety of foods including finger food"

I just thought bloody hell make your mind up :evil:

Nikki wtf has dyslexia got to do with a baby been on tummy, i have never heard owt as daft in my entire life
That's shocking her telling you that, i mean if they are telling you things like that and luckily just talking complete and utter bullshit but as you said what about first time mothers who have no clue, you should have put in a complaint!
When i took Jack to the docs yesterday i told them all about it and how crap they were.

You see when I had Emily everything was done at baby clinic in my docs totally 1 on 1 and now everything is in a health centre in a differant town!!!!
told them that it needs to go back to how it was
I agree health visitors can be awful.
When Lydia was first born, the health visitor that came to the house did nothing but critisize. At one point I actually said to her "look I thought health visitors are supposed to be helpful, not blatently critical, so if you're going to be like that you can just leave, I don't want you here!" (I was seriously welling up at this point...I was knackered and trying to get myself sorted with a new baby and this woman was just totally making me feel like shit.
Anyway when I said that she said something along the lines of "well I guess we've started out with some misunderstanding, so lets start again"...and she was SLIGHTLY more civil to me after that...just enough for me to be able to tolerate her.
But honestly, geez, it's the last thing a new mother wants...some evil HV being shitty!

wow thats awefulsoem poeple are just so :wall:
Im glad his legs are fine .
Thank you Katrina :D
just out of interest what time is it over there? as your posts are always dead early
Sorry just nosey cow :lol:

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