Please help-waking with teething?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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We are sure Charlotte is teething (dreooling ,red cheeks sometimes and furiously sucking) and can see 2 lumps in her gums.

SHe started sleeping through 3 ish weeks ago most nights but we have had a bad week of her waking at random times and being hard to settle again taking an hour of crying sometimes. We think it is teething pain that is waking her but how do we know for sure?

We gave her Medised at bedtime last night and she slept 720 till 3a.m when she was crying till after 4a.m whatever we did (gave her calpol). I dont want to keep giving her calpol etc in the night if we do not know it is dfinatley the pain waking her.

I am also struggling as i am very tired and know this could go on for some time.

ANy advice please and is it normal for them to wake when teething?

Thanks xx
HAve you tried New Era teething tablets (available from Holland & Barratt) or Ashtons and Parsons teething powders (available from Boots) - these are homepathic so you don't have to worry about dosing them up on drugs and work a treat with my DD - I'd really recommend them!

Valentine Xxx
:hug: :hug:

We are having exactly the same trouble, Amber was up twice during last night which is really unlike her and it was so hard to settle her.

I have got dentinox teething gel which appears to be working and instantly soothes her or i rub my finger over her gums also and she bites them well gums them :rotfl:

I am really tired today aswell but hopefully we get some :sleep: soon hun.

that's exactly what is happening with my baby! To the word! I am so tired and upset too especially because today she refused too feed alltogether and scream all day. We've tried all sorts, including gels, calpol, ashton&parsons poweder....nothing worked... :( :wall: It feels as if I am slowly losing my mind. She finally fell asleep at 8.30pm and I am so scared that she might wake up screaming any moment now...
:hug: :hug: Charlotte has woken at 3ish for a good hour for the last 3 nights then i cannot get back to sleep after that so i am so tired and grumpy. This am she was awake again at 6a.m so is not getting as much sleep as she ususally does and needs.

We also do not think she is waking for any reason but that something is disturbing her. Last night i wondered though if maybe she was starting to get hungry in the night again it is so hard to tell??


:hug: to you all x
M FC- some days i also feel like i am slowly losing my mind! :(

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