
Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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Sinse I got up this morning I have had quite alot of brownish discharge,I had it a couple of days ago but only a tiny bit but today theres quite alot.
Im really worried I have doctors at 4 anyway but they are really crap and I know shes not going to ease my mind. :(

Has anyone else had this in the first trimester?

Thank you in advance
is there any red in it or are you suffering with abdominal pain??
Well I have been having pulling pains over the past few days and just put that down to my womb growing.

I cant see blood so i suppose im just over reacting but I do have a dull ache in my abdomin.

if you are really worried then call your midwife, she is the best person to talk to. i know it i nerve wracking but try to rest yourself and stay calm (easier said then done i know) until you have your appointment:) if you need some one to talk to then feel free to email me on [email protected]:)
I havnt got a midwife yet its my first appointment with doctors today :D
I am sure its all fine :pray: but theres quite alot of it.

Thank u x
i really wish i could help you more but i really dont know much about this because i never experienced this, if it is only there when you wipe , sorry for being rude :oops: then it might be a bit of spotting. that is very common really early on, have you told the doc what is happening wen you made the appointment??
Thinking of you Tash, have no experience of this so cant advise but hope all goes well, keep us updated. Sending you love and strength :pray:
hey tasha, any news for us, hope everything is ok:)
Everything was fine I have a scan on friday to find out how far gone I am ! I am really excited cant wait !! thanks again all for you concerns I really appreciated it x
Glad all is ok and good luck with your scan on Friday!

I think the brown discharge is pretty normal early on in pregnancy. I had some at about 5 weeks. It's called implantation bleeding.

Take care of yourself :D
Hey there!
Glad everything went ok!! Let us know how the scan goes!
:D 8)
good luck with your scan and the rest of your pregnancy, let me know how it goes:)

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