Please catch me!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Hi girls just jumping in from tri 2!

Can't believe I'm here in the final tri, reading lots of your threads has made me realise there's big changes coming up!!! It's like chilling in high school and moving on to college! Time to grow up!!!!

Looking forward to learning lots in this final leg of cooking my precious one :) xx
Woohoo! The end is in sight! Tri 3 is going in so quickly for me x
The whole 9 months is going fast!!!! So glad to be in here mind!!x
Welcome to tri 3, when your only 27 weeks seeing all the labour threads is daunting, but so far it's flown in this tri for me! x
Thanks everyone!!! I'm excited to be here!!!! X
Welcome along hun. It goes sooo fast in this tri!
Welcome Twinkles!! I've only been here a week or so myself....still learning loads, and yes I agree with Em all the labour threads (and there seems to be lots of them recetly!!), are a bit daunting when your this early on in tri 3, but it's a good insight into what to expect!! xx
Welcome to Tri 3!!
The babies have been flying out over the past few weeks! Very exciting!! x
Flying out!!!!! Ha ha that sounds good to me!!!! X
Welcome over!! :)

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Welcome to tri 3 Hun!! The June babies have been seriously impatient with most of them arriving before their due dates!! Not likely for me now as due date is tomorow!! It really doesn't fly by in this tri, I feel as though I only just joined and I'm nearly finished!! :shock: xx

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