please can you help ladies as i cant stop worrying...


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Hi girls, sorry for butting in but i wanted to know if you could help with a concern i have and posted this in a post in 1st trimester but its v.quiet in there.
Anyway im 7.5 weeks pregnant and thought things were o.k until i had pains etc. Well last week i did another test (same kind) to try and get some reasurrance and it was marginally lighter. That started me panicing.
I did another today and abit lighter still :cry: (they were all 1st morning pee).
Thats not good is it ????:( :(
Do you think im right to be concerned?

I am paying for an early scan and its on friday and ive now convinced my little bean has gone.

Thank u.x
If it was all different tests you used you might find a diffence in the lightness. Im sure a positive is stil a positive. You most likely will get some pelvic pain just now, things are going on down there.
Try not to worry till your scan. :hug:
Hi hun,

Im sorry to say that it doesnt look great as your HCG levels seem to be dropping although a pregnancy test alone cannot show accurately the level of HCG in your urine and it could simply be less dye in the test or something like that. Theres no way to tell, keep your feet up and get some rest.

Good luck with the scan, i really hope its good news for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Try not to worry hun it might mean nothing - how long did you have pains? were they bad? I had lots of period type pains over the first weeks, a pregnancy test is not an indication of anything really - hope your scan is ok on Fri :hug:
In the first, and even the early second trimester you get LOADS of pains. They can be really worrying as they do feel like period pains but they are normal. I would say that if you have not had any bleeding then you are likely to be okay. Don't just go by the lightness or darkness of a test as they are all different.

Good luck for your scan tomorrow. :hug:
Thankyou ladies for you advice. :hug: I had a scan today and my bub was fine. I saw the heart beating which was fantastic. She said that the test shouldnt get lighter but that it could have been what id ha to drink the night before (as they were f.morning urine).

Thanks again.xx

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