playing mind games with myself!


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2011
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Hi everyone,
so, me and OH have been TTC for exactly 2 years now, i came off the pill in aug 2009, i didnt have AF for 6 months and then when i did they were very irregular but this year they seem to have calmed down and are regular give or take a day or two.

Ive had blood tests which came back ok and OH has had semen annalays, he gets the results on thursday nxt week,the thing is AF is now 5 days late, ive had sore boobs for the past week or so (although today that has gone ) last week i had a bit of thrush which i have only ever had once a few years ago and i keep getting this funny tingling feeling on the left side of my tummy.

ive not done a test as dont wanna get hopes up, do u think af could just be late cos of the stress of waiting on test results?

To put ur mind at ease, u should do a test.
U need to know one way or the other. Fx this is it for u x

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It could be possible that AF is late because of stress, but then on the other hand it could be ur bfp! So I would definitely get and do a test Hun xx
Hi, i agree get and take the test if nothing else will take some of the stress away and hopefully be you PFP!

just noticed that should read BFP!

what am i like
thanks for ur msgs ladies, did a test last night and what a suprise BFN I even prayed before i did it as silly as it may sound :( xx
ah sorry

sending dust for next month!


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