Placenta question!


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2012
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Can placentas move?!

Im just curious as at my 20 week scan I was told I have an anterior placenta so I was prepared to not really feel much of babys movements which at first seemed right because I only felt little taps and pops.

Now though, in the past 2 weeks or so, Im getting regular inside beatings! They're so strong, I can see my belly move and sometimes they make me jump.

Ive tried googling it but all the sites are so contradictory, some say 'no dont be silly it doesnt move' yet others say 'yeah its common for it to move'.
Im not bothered wherever it is as long as it works but I just cant imagine what these kicks would feel like if I had a posterior placenta, he'd kick his way out probably!!

Does anyone have a definite answer?!

hi there :) yes it can definitely move. My friend was told at her 12 week scan that placenta was covering her cervix so if it didnt move she may have to consider a caeserean...but she is now 32 weeks and it is in perfect position! :) xx
O I was going to say I thought no as it attaches to your uterus wallbut I'm no doctor, guess it can lol!
O I was going to say I thought no as it attaches to your uterus wallbut I'm no doctor, guess it can lol!

This does make sense!! hmm...maybe its early on that it can still move?? but if u can feel stronger movements now then thats surely a good sign!! :) xx
Sorry kitty for no definite answer! But feeling kicks is good!! And i didn't feel kicks till 21 weeks x
i was told i had an anterior placenta and i also had beatings from the inside xxx
My SIL has an anterior placenta and didn't feel kicks until later on but said that as her uterus grew, the placenta moved upwards towards her ribs, I don't know if it actually moves...just with the uterus?! Xx
It doesn't move as such as its attached to the uterus wall but as your uterus expands the position of the placenta changes if that makes sense?? I had an anterior placenta too but mine was a high anterior.. So i didn't feel much towards my ribs but did, as I got bigger, feel kicks and punches around my middle and right down low :D xx
Mine is anterior and high .... I get battered from morning to night! But nothing higher than my belly button really

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
It can move upwards as the uterus grow but an anterior placenta will never be posterior ifykwim .
I think even with an anterior one though, it's pretty normal to be feeling movement at 23-24 weeks... Mine is anterior and I've been feeling prods for the last 10 days or so - hope they're as strong as yours by the time I'm 23 weeks!
Jaxx is right it just seems like the placenta is moving but it is all down to uterus stretching in different directions , because if the placenta actually broke away from the lining of the uterus there would be bleeding and that is very rare . Hope that helps xx
Mines anterior and high, I been feeling movement since 15-16 weeks and kick sinsce 20 weeks..

I feel them quite high though, almost near my ribs but they don't hurt...
So I didn't know if mine moved!
I was pondering this question too!
Thanks girls!
Ive had some really low kicks that feel like my lady bits are being battered and some really high like hes aiming for boobies!
I think I'd just read so much on anteriors and they pretty much all said I wouldnt feel much that the bigger kicks are a surprise. A nice one though. :) xxx
well.....Ive had 5 scans, and the midwives and sonographers all said I had a posterior placenta until the detailed scan when suddenly it had moved and become anterior. I have asked the same questions as you and nobody can really give me an answer either!

I felt movements from about 14/15 weeks and then after 20 they have reduced so I am guessing that is because of the placenta position. But I don't know. Now I only feel movement on my cervix with the very occassional thud near my belly button.

Im at the midwife next week so I think I shall ask. For no other reason other than I hate not being able to find the answer!! LOL :) xx
I had an anterior placenta at my 20 week scan and was told it would move but I needed a scan at 34 weeks to check it had.

Lo and behold it had moved it was originally only 1cm away from the cervix, and it mved to 6 cms away, if you think about it it's attached to the inside and as your inside grows it will move with the stretch of it too.

I felt kicks from about 23 weeks onwards and I definately saw my belly move :) mostly at the top of my belly, which was amazing and creepy at the same time lol....

Sorry ladies, Ive opened a can of worms now havent I!
I should just be greatful that I can feel as much as I can but nooo Im still curious!
I love it when I can see my belly move but sometimes I think about it too much then it freaks me out.
My midwife never said anything about extra scans, although my mum had placenta previa when she was pregnant with me and we both nearly died because nobody kept an eye on it! I know its not hereditary but its more likely to happen to me too if we've both got dodgy shaped uterus's (apparently!) xxx
My SIL has an anterior placenta and didn't feel kicks until later on but said that as her uterus grew, the placenta moved upwards towards her ribs, I don't know if it actually moves...just with the uterus?! Xx


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