Place your bets now please..........


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
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Well tomorrow at 8.30am will hopefullybe finding out that my baby is firstly doing well (after not feeling much movement) and secondly if Its team blue or pink............. Excited is not the word but scared at the same time.

Any predictions???
We seem to be having a spurt of the girls so I'll guess team pink. I hope you have a clean bill of health tomorrow. good luck and enjoy it.
Yeah im gonna go with pink too :-) hope everything goes well, Dont worry about the movement iv only felt mine twice so far. so do u have any hunches your self? we both knew it was gonna be a girl its weird but from day 1 we both said its defo a little pink :-)

Ya better post asap when u get out xxx
I'm gonna guess pink too! I'm hopin I join team blue tomorrow. My scan is at 9:40 xx
I say blue :) good luck for tomorrow x
Thanks girlies well Im thinking we are going to have a little girl as my side of the family we just dont seem to have boys, but would love a boy for the change but I really dont care im excited and nervous all rolled into one!! Eeeekkkkk!!!
I reckon pink too! :-) hope all goes well Hun can't wait to see pics!xx
I'm going to say Blue. Just because not many people have lol
Like kerry5a I'm going to mix it up a bit and say team blue! Looking forward to hearing from you tomorrow!! Xx
I'm going to guess at blue. Hope the scan goes well!
Aaawww good luck guessing team blue for laziness rofl xxxxxxxxxx

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