Pink spotting 16+5!


New Member
Oct 23, 2018
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Hi all

I had pink spotting on toilet paper Monday morning at 16+5. It cleared up and went and today again, still clear of the spotting at 16+6. I did however come over faint at work so went to doctors and blood pressure fine and urine sample clear of everything (infection, protein ect). I have had no cramping and actually had a midwife appointment Monday morning to hear HB which was active. Booked a gender and well being scan for Wednesday where I’d be 17weeks pregnant so I’m praying everything it still ok and baby is still cooking. Anyone else had this pink spotting but be fine??... so scared after my MC. This is a pregnancy straight after it so always paranoid.
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I am 18 weeks tomorrow and had pink/red blood on toilet paper on Monday night. Like you I've had miscarriages so thought the worst. I'm also high risk for MC in my second trimester due to abnormal cells I had removed from my cervix a few years ago. I rung the pregnancy assessment unit at my local hospital straight away and they advised me to go straight in. To cut a long story short after being examined by midwife then doctor then consultant... They advised it was cervical ectropion. They checked my cervix which was closed so said no need to worry. Might be worth getting checked though!
Just a little update... I've just been for 1 of my cervical length scans today (I'm 18 weeks) and they said my placenta is sitting quite low and that's possibly what caused the bleeding/spotting last week. That's something they will be able to identify at your 20week scan!

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