

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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I ate a whole one yesterday, and just polished another off. Its yummy, but my mum bought them cos theyre supposed to soften your cervix.

Im hoping between the pineapples and EPO capsules at bedtime my cervix will be soft as....a babys bottom :confused:


anyone know if any of this actually works?!
There are properties in pineapple for this but I think you have to eat HEAPS of them! Good luck, it all helps I guess :)
I had pineapple with my first but can't really say if it set things off as i was 16 days over! Lots of sites and books reccommend them and mangos because of an enzyme - but apparantly you need to eat about 7 fresh ones to kick start labour!
7 fresh ones, per day?! Please say per week, cos Im achieving that!!! Im eating fresh ones, nice n cheap from aldi!!
I heard you had to eat an awful lot for it to actually make any difference too - not sure if it was 7 whole ones a day but I remember thinking it was more than I could ever manage!
I think you have to eat alot but the day before I had lacey I ate 2 large pineapple pizza's!! So you never know... :D
Haha! I'm sure there was another thread about this a while ago. You need to eat 7 at once, you'd be pooping for England like! Lol! Evie found that there's the same amount of this particular chemical/enzyme in 7 pineapples as there is in one male ejaculation... I know what i'd rather eat! Put it this way, it DOESN'T involve Jamie! Lol! X
I reckon you would get more luck with a Madras or a Vindaloo :lol:
i had a chicken bhuna friday night and waters broke saturday morning - could be due to this?? and not as spicy as vindaloo, weheyy!! good luck with the softening of your cervix!!! xx
okay well theres actually a jar of Bhuna sauce & naan breads in the cupboard and 4 chicken breasts in the fridge. I know what Im having for dinner tonight!!! :lol:
okay well theres actually a jar of Bhuna sauce & naan breads in the cupboard and 4 chicken breasts in the fridge. I know what Im having for dinner tonight!!! :lol:

I was thinking the same! Think I will suggest to Rob we treat ourselves tomorrow night (with it being friday and all) and have a takeaway because I cant resist the nanns from there...:)
oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE the naans from the takeaway. We buy em from aldi :/
well uive eaten a curry, walked, bounced on my ball, 2 cups of R L tea and eaten few bits of pineapple 2day. i reckon they r all old wives tales i dont know. nice 2 think they help tho
lol! deffo treating yourself to a takeaway sounds like best option guys :D:D i looked up which curries are spicy and everything! because i throw up a madras, lol xxx
Yep i've been trying all sorts too - we are soooo impatient! I just think it passes the time - but apart from nipple stimulation nothing is bringing on the bh's - well maybe RLT but giving nipples a rub has brought on very strong ones for me! Again though apparantly you have to do an hour to expect to help kick start labour - ouch! 10 mins enough for me!
I reckon you would get more luck with a Madras or a Vindaloo :lol:

God, how anyone can eat those is beyond me!!!

I ate a Madras when I was trying to evict Rosie, it was as hot as hell but I forced myself to eat it! Im so glad I didnt go into labour then as knowing that I would have to go to the loo at some point would have been enough to halt my labour I think!
Haha! I'm sure there was another thread about this a while ago. You need to eat 7 at once, you'd be pooping for England like! Lol! Evie found that there's the same amount of this particular chemical/enzyme in 7 pineapples as there is in one male ejaculation... I know what i'd rather eat! Put it this way, it DOESN'T involve Jamie! Lol! X

Well, make HIM eat the pinapple... it makes his stuff taste nicer! ;)
my OH wont eat pineapple. He tried it once and it was sour. this couldve been years ago too. Honestly he's like a fussy child. The one I was eating yesterday was lovely n sweet but I couldnt get it anywhere near him. Not that Im planning on tasting his semen anyway....

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