Pet hates

Liars :x
People who smoke in their cars when their kids are in it
Big groups of teens who take up all the seats in Subway when they're not even eating!
Pedestrians who walk out infront of my car then glare at me as if its me who's in the wrong place...roads are for cars NOT people...use the crossings!! :x
Drivers who hog the fast lane then crawl along at 60mph
teenagers who swear VERY loudly while you're walking through town with your kids :wall: My god that winds me up. We were in town on saturday, just walking down the high street to get some lunch with Beth, and this t****r starts shouting that his mate was a "f****** c***" :shock: Beth was RIGHt next to them. OH wanted to smack him one :x

And smokers in town....they all hang around the doors outside the shopping censtre so you have to get your kids through a big smelly cloud of smoke just to get inside, and they dont move even though they're in th way and they could burn you. :x

I didnt have a very good time when i went into town at the weekend, can you tell, lol :rotfl:
sazzylou said:
And smokers in town....they all hang around the doors outside the shopping censtre so you have to get your kids through a big smelly cloud of smoke just to get inside,

I took Brody for his hospital appointment this week, at the Children's Hospital and obviously there is no smoking on hospital premises, so there was like 20 people right outside the gate, all smoking...FFS it's a children's hospital, can you not take an extra 10 steps and cross the road?!! What's worse is that all the people there must have either been parents or friends visiting sick children....what's the matter with these people?!
people who smoke on buses or in other peoples houses without asking :x

Smelly people, old people (who also smell)

Bad drivers, those who think it's cool to go through red lights, or d1cks that rev their engines at you and think you'll race them :roll:

Men who don't change the loo roll or put the toilet seat down

liars, theives etc
All of the above :D

*illegal immigrants
*religious extremists (any religion)
*old people that think they can make their own "straight to the front" queuing systems in shops
*criminals/prisoners who claim unfair treatment (and what about the way you treated the victim??)
*people who let their dogs run around town with no leash on
*the argos collection point system where everyone elses number is called before you
*as above, in doctors surgeries, baby clinic and dentists
*people who don't text if they know they will be late
*unwanted calls, post and emails everytime you want to insure something
*as above, companies who call my landline phone after i specifically ask them not to
*littlewoods street marketing sign-up people
*teenagers that use disabled/baby changing loo's because they are bigger

*in fact anybody that uses them because they are bigger :x

ps- I think I just killed this thread :|
leckershell said:
*teenagers that use disabled/baby changing loo's because they are bigger

*in fact anybody that uses them because they are bigger :x

On that note.......... anyone who uses the Mother and Baby spaces when they have no baby!!!! :x
Oh and people make snidy comments when you pull out a bottle to feed your LO, like the silly old bag in a cafe I wen't to last week who said at the top of her voice "isn't it a dissapointment that no one can be bothered to breast feed any more!!"

Had I not been trying to calm an already very anxious 3 month old, I would have gladly slapped her across the chops, even if she was in her 60s!!!!!!! :x
people who chew gum (or anything else) with their mouths open.....

evemarie8 said:
On that note.......... anyone who uses the Mother and Baby spaces when they have no baby!!!! :x

We have never once used a mums and baby space as they are always full :(

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