personal question about how much weight put on...


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Ok... well pre-pregnancy i wasnt small, but was 10stone 11pounds...

now i'm 12stone 1pound?? i cant believe thats 1 stone 4pounds i put on and i'm only 24weeks pregnant.. i'm worried thats too much? :'( xx
i was 10st 2lb before pregnancy then went up to 10st 6lb when i was 8 weeks and im still the same now, so ive put on 4lbs so far
Im not whinging because im only 9st now but i was 8 before i was pregnant. thats a lot to put on in 16 weeks i think
charlotteheys85 said:
Ok... well pre-pregnancy i wasnt small, but was 10stone 11pounds...

now i'm 12stone 1pound?? i cant believe thats 1 stone 4pounds i put on and i'm only 24weeks pregnant.. i'm worried thats too much? :'( xx

you sohuldn't worry about weight gain. Just eat healthily and regularly. What you put on will come off after so long as you don't eat crap all the time. Just enjoy your pregnancy and stop worryin about weight gain. :hug: Its over too soon then you will sit and wish you hadn't spent it stressed about your weight
Hun with my first I put on a total of 3 1/2 stone! Try not to worry about how much you have put on! Yeh you may have to work more off after but hey at least you will have a healthy baby! :cheer:
I have no clue how much weight Ive put on as I threw out my scales when I got pregnant!! I obsessed way too much during my last pregnancies & Im not doing it this time. I am huge though!!
I put on a stone almost instantly going from 13 3 to 14 3 yes i know to big but hey its all on my tits i think. Ive not put on any more since so wonder if im losing fat and gaining baby weight equally
Im not worrying to much about it, when i had Cameron the weight fell off me and i was the slimest ive ever been.
I was 8 stone 4 when I became pregnant and I am now just under 10 stone so I have put on nearly two stone but its mainly bump not a lot of extra weight anywhere else. I still have 14 weeks to go so I am expecting to put on atleast another stone. I think the norm is about 2 to 2 and a half stone but I don't think you should worry, just enjoy it :D
I'm 26 weeks today and I weighed myself for the first time ages yesterday and I've put 1 stone 1lb so I'm not too worried. I've been eating so much crap lately that I thought it would have been more!! :oops:
I've put on about 8 pounds, TBH I thought I would have put on more as I can't stop eating. I'm expecting it to start piling on soon though!
I've put on just under a stone so far and am almost 25 weeks. Don't have scales just weigh meself at me mum's when i am over there :) am quite happy with my weight gain even though i was classed as high BMI to begin with I have actually lost fat from my arse n hips n i think when i've had baby i'll be slimmer than i was before i started.. tis all the apples i be eating :rotfl: god i want an apple now :roll:
i'd put on eight pounds at my b ooking in metting with MW, not weighed myself since.
I have put on a stone so far anbd not even half way there yet! :oops:
To be honest I haven't weighed myself since 11weeks (and I hadn't put on a thing! :lol: ) but it IS normal to p[ut on quite a bit of weight. Most of it is fluid :shock:

I noticed how much bigger I'd got last night tho when I had to give in and buy a new (bigger) bra (again!) :evil:
I've gone from a petite 10 to a slim 12 (bump allowing lol) :oops: and a 32B to a 36C :shakehead:
i havnt weighed myself and although the midwife weighed me once i woulndt let her convert it or tell me what it was :oops:
Everyone is different- I put on 2 stone overall but have now lost most of it. Don't worry x
i put on 7 stone in my pregnancy and ive managed to loose over 3 stone of it, so dont worry about how much your putting on it will come back off again
So far I've put on about 12lbs. I'm not too worried, I put on about 2.5 stone with Lucy and expect it to be similar this time.

The thing is as long as you're eating sensibly you should be ok and the end number isn't important, just listen to your body, eat when you're hungry!
i darnt even weigh myself!!! i used to think i was fat but i saw a pic of myself, pre-pregnancy the other day and by god was i slim :shock: :lol: tbh i dont think i have put any weight on apart from my stomach (obviously!), hips and thigh's - i have ate loads of rubbish though since i became pregnant so probably put more than i think on but i will lose it once she is born (hopefully!) going on a massive diet and exersize - just waiting for OH to buy me a Wii Fit ;) :lol:
ive lost 2 pound so far lol and im having twins :rotfl: im sure that will all change pretty quick especially now the sickness has stopped

i put on 1 stone 4 in total on 1st pregnancy and was lighter after having him than when i got pg
on 2nd i put on 4 and a half stone :oops: and was 4 stone heavier afterwards :(
on 3rd i put on a stone and a half and after i had him was same weight as before got pg

every pregnancy and every person is different try not to worry too much just try and eat as healthy as possible and enjoy your pregnancy :D xxxxxxxx

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