Periods during breastfeeding


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
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My son is nearly 8 months old and I still have not had my periods, I have reduced to 2 bfeeds a day and 3 formula thought I would have had them back by now only feel a bit spotty for a few days every month just wondered when everyone got theirs back ?
I had one while I was breastfeeding when finlay was about 3 months and I have now stopped breastfeeding (due to a car crash) and they haven't returned yet.

I stopped breastfeeding about 3 weeks ago
There is no cut and dried rule for this; I had my period three/four months after birth with all three of my kids, and I breastfed all 3,but have known pple who have gone for a year. Just dont worry about it! Its nice NOT to have it, quite frankly! :dance:

Oh, but have to be good girlies too! :angel: :angel:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I feed my daughter until she was 7 months and didn't have my 1st period until just before her 1st birthday! the doc's didn't seem worried :? i think everyone's different... my friend got her's a month after giving birth and every month of feeding
Oliver's also nearly 8 months old and I haven't had a period yet. I did have some spotting last month which I thought would be my first period but it didn't turn into anything.
I've not had mine yet.. :)

Although lil miss hammered my boobs yesterday and fed 10 times.. It was like having a noob again. :evil:
I havent had one yet either. Hooray I havent had one since June last year :cheer:
Squiglet said:
I've not had mine yet.. :)

Although lil miss hammered my boobs yesterday and fed 10 times.. It was like having a noob again. :evil:

:shock: :shock: :shock: whats that all about? lol
Shes going through terrible separation anxiety atm and just wants boob and mummy cuddles
I havent had one since birth and i am still feeding 5 times a day and expressing. Hope they stay away for ever! :rotfl:
I had one about 2 months after i think
Or roundabouts

Your not ment to get them while breastfeeding... wel.. its uncommon...

I havent had once since though :)
I was unlucky. I got mine back at 5 months.
I got mine back at around four months i think :think: even though we didn't start weaning till just under 6 months :(
No sign mine and I'm glad! I can't be bothered thinking about carting more stuff about with me when I go out- even if it is just a few tampons or pads- who needs it?!
I had my first period 2 weeks after i stopped breastfeeding which was about 7 and half months :D
Not had mine yet after 7.5m BFing and would like it to arrive as want to start working on number 2! :dance: :shhh:
I didn't get mine back until LO self weaned at 6 months off breastmilk at (and actually didn't have a period - I was pg).
My friend, who fed through to 3 years, didn't get one for a year.
Another friend had one after a couple of months, but then nothing for another 4.
It really does just depend.
:think: I had my baby 3 weeks ago and the bleeding after the birth got less and less and had pretty much stopped after 2 weeks. Over the last couple of days though I have started bleeding again and its more of a brighter red - is it likely that this is my period? Ive been breastfeeding exclusively for the whole 3 weeks :think:

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