Periods after giving birth


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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I had my first period last month and I am due to come on on the 22nd of this month. I am not having any symptoms yet and its only a few days away. We have had sex once since our little one was born. I am just wondering if my periods will be irregular for a while? I am praying my period will come.. I want another baby in the future but not this soon! I haven't been able to sleep for a few nights because I am panacking it's not going to come.

Another reason I am so worried is that my belly is bloated and my boobs are sore and I have started noticing smells more. I have been feeling a bit sicky in the mornings for the past few days also. I don't normally get these symptoms when my periods are due. I only ever got them when I was pregnant.

Sorry for my rambling. I am just so scared!
My periods have been very regular since I had Ja but I know they can be irregular after you've had a baby. Get a test if your worried, it might put your mind at rest :hug:
if you had unpretected sex id def get a test!! but otherwise i wouldnt worry, having a baby totally mucks up your periods, im only just regular from taking the pill. Even through the first 3 months of taking it they were all over the place.
Thankyou girls. It would be my own stupid fault if I were. I did have unprotected sex but he didn't come. I can't believe I was so stupid. It was just that I felt so guilty that he hadn't had anything for months. I was not thinking straight. :( I will go buy a test in a few days. Thankyou for your replies.

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