Period type pains


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Has anyone else had what feels to me like period pains 13 - 14 weeks into pregnancy?
I have just started with them in the last half an hour and it is just above my bikini line area. I'm a bit freaked out by it i'm not sure if it is because i have just been out and eaten a massive Sunday lunch and pudding and it is just trapped wind or not. It feels too low down to be trapped wind (sorry tmi :oops: ) and my back is aching as well. I'm just a little scared because it feels like period pain.

Can anyone give me any advice?
if your really worried phone your MV. I've had lots of different pains but they have all been stretching pains, but i've worried with every pain1! I guess they started around the 13week mark. See how you feel and if they get really bad make sure you get checked out :hug: :hug:
I think the main pain i am getting is right above my pubic bone it could just be stretching and i'm worrying myself over nothing.
yeah, but your bound to worry!! just make sure you do get it checked if its strong pain. My MV said some people feel the stretching of the liagments more than others and i've sure felt mine stretching!! xx
I'm not in agony its just a little uncomfortable my back aches and the inside of my thighs do to. I've had period pains on and off throughout my pregnancy between weeks 5 - 8 but in the last few weeks I haven't noticed anything.

It probably just serves me right for eating a massive Sunday lunch and pudding I maybe haven't given bub enough room to move.
It sounds like stretching pains to me. I and many others here have had some light period type pains during the past few weeks that have come and gone. :)
:rotfl: as long as you enjoyed your lunch i'm sure the baby did too!!
annem said:
:rotfl: as long as you enjoyed your lunch i'm sure the baby did too!!
My lunch was lovely in fact even though its prob given me tummy ache i could eat it again.I never thought my appetite could be so huge.

I hope they are stretching pains it feels too low down to be 'proper' period pains but i'm now noticing twinges 'underneath' and in my lower back and hips. Pregnancy turns you into a hypocondriac
After several weeks break from them, I've been getting pains in my lower stomach and back for the last couple days. I think it's normal for this stage. Just everything stretching :D

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