period type pains?!


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
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Anyone had anything like this and what are they!?
I had a bath last night and was getting ready to go to a concert and started feeling REALLY wierd. Very hot and persistant period like pains. Had to stay home with Mum checking on me every half hour (bless her, she is a worrier!) and it passed after an hour or so. No discharge (sorry!) or anything to make me concerned really and Ava is moving well as usual.
Hi, I get this sometimes and have just put it down to stretching or sometimes needing a poo (sorry tmi)....sorry prob not much help, but I think it's quite normal xx
Hey, I have had period type pains on and of for a couple of weeks; could be a touch of braxton hix (not sure on spelling at all); I asked my MW and she said it is nothing to worry about...

cheers guys! Floored us slightly as i'm normally bouncing around lol!
I had really bad period type pains the other night that kept me awake. Felt like a really really painful period (without the blood). I assumed it was BH but apparently they shouldn't be painful? Tried to call my midwife and got no reply so I'm going to try her again tomorrow just to be sure. xx
I don't wanna worry you, I'm not a doctor so don't take what I say to a tea but... I've been having these recently and it is linked to labour, I've been having them because I've got a kidney infection but that spreads from your back, down your leg and across your belly. However the midwifes told me my symptoms where the same as what women have in labour and many women had come in with a urine or kidney infection and thought they were in labour. They are prob braxton hicks but look out for anymore signs, spesh if your due date is near :) good luck, I don't mean to worry you... just telling you what I know, I'm sure it's fine just your womb stretching.. I know you have these pains when the baby is moving their head down ready for in a few weeks or how ever long you've got left. good luck chick xx
cheers, will keep an eye on it and check with MW at next appointment!

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