Period Pain Symptoms


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2008
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Hi girls

I'm 35+4 and have been getting period pain symptoms today. I've also had a funny tingling pain in my back today, never had this before.

Any advice?

M x
aww hun i been like this for a while i not sure what it could be for u but i think im in slow labour so if u think u maybe looseing water or any think like tha ring your MW :hug: xx
How our you feeling now?
ive had period pains for a few weeks now thats suposed to a normal thing at this stage but not sure about the tingling back :think:
sorry your in pain hope its eased of now :hug:
Myabe it would be worth asking MW or local unit if it continues...They could put you on a monitor and check your cervix to give you an answer one way or another :)
Its kind of gone now. Just comes and goes!! Hope I come early as feel i've been pregnant all my life.

I remember having the same pains. Should be nothing to worry about but if they get worse call your MW as it can be a sign of prem labour but usually it's fine. Always best to be on the safe side though! :hug:
period pains could just be practice contractions, I have quite strong braxton hick contractions now to the point that when I'm walking out in the street and I get a public contraction :rotfl: I have to do breathing techs and people look at me as if i;m about to drop the baby there and then lol but as i've been through it 3 times already I know it's not the "proper" thing just yet.

The tingling in your back could well just be where baby is lying on a nerve.

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