perineal massage & sex


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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has anyone else here been doing perineal massage? i'v done it maybe 10-15 times (well my boyf does it coz i cant really reach over my bump to get my thumb in)

we hadnt done any massaging tho for about a week until last nite, and i found it painful! so much so that i squealed and writhed around and eventually had to tell him to stop! i mean normally its uncomfortable but not painful.

we'd had sex the nite b4 (a him-behind-me position coz thats all we can do now i'm so big)- maybe thats why? icould be bruised :think:
just wanna kno if anyone else finds perineal massage hurts if they'v had sex.
I haven't done any perineal massage because I can't reach myself and I don't think DH would do it properly! :)
i have never heard anything like this.. why do you do it, what happens when you do it.. sorry if i sound thick! :oops:
SSS, have a little Google for it. It is basically a technique to massage your perineal area using an inert oil (olive oil or something like that) with your thumbs to help the area stretch more easily when the baby crowns. There is only anecdotal evidence it works, but I'm prepared to give anything a go if it stops tearing! A midwife horse-riding friend of mine recommended it to me as I want to get back on my horse soon after birth, and any damage to my do-da will prevent that. :oops:
i have been doing it a bit myself and have found that after a session of sex i can feel a bit bruised, i think its down to the weight and how rough your oh is, sorry to br graphic!
I will xontinue doing mine though as i have been tearing through pregnancy just though sex alone.I have horrible scar tissue from where the last midwife didnt stitch me that well and it has left a slight webbing across where my episotmy was done.
Am having it repaired hen the baby is born.

The massage is supposed to reduce the risk of tearing for those of you that dont know :D
Not had what you've described trixipaws, perineal massage shouldn't cause you discomfort like that, so I would agree its possibly from the sex you had, lots more blood and sensitivity down there now.
On a technique note, I don't use thumbs, I use my first and index finger up to the knuckle in olive oil, applying pressure for around 3-5mins, and yes its a bit tricky but not impossible in my case, there's no evidence this prevents tearing at birth but it could help :)

I agree sounds like maybe its from the sex :think: but also possibly just extra sensitive from being pregnant i know my bits are really sensitive lately :hug:

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