People keep telling me im huge :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2008
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Ive gone from being annoyed that nobody noticed im pregnant and just thinking im fat to everybody and there dugs telling me im either "huge" or "really big".

I dont think i look that big but am starting to think i must look like a stranded whale.
Im only going to be 28 weeks tommorow people could be using "elephant" and "gigantosaurus" to describe me soon
Ive had this for ages :roll: me and OH thought i was quite small up until last week, i have grown loads this week, so god knows what people think of me now!!!
Ignore em all........ :twisted:

They are just jealous of your big beautiful bump!!

Your body will only grow what it can cope with, even if that does mean falling over alot like me because of the sheer weight of it!!! :lol: :lol:

I had a random bird grab my belly with both hands at the doctors surgery when I was 28 weeks and tell me I was "As big as a house and must be due that week" to be honest I was tempted to tell her I was not preggo!!! :rotfl:

Ignore them, like I said they are just jealous, I'm sure bumpy is perfect size for you and baby is happy as larry and fighting fit and healthy in there which is the main thing!

C xxx
Hehe dont let ninjawomble see this thread! She will be ranting away with ya!

TBH i look huge but i dont mind too much as i am just glad it looks like a baby and not just fat!
It is soooo annoying that oncce you are pregnant people seem to think it is their duty to inform you of how big or small you are and compare you either to themselves or to someone they know. Who cares! You wouldn't randomly tell a stranger who wasn;t pregnant that she was as big as a house or tiny- you'd seem rude. How come it's ok to say what you like to a woman who's pregnant? I sympathise with you hon- you can;t win- you;re always either too big or too small- I've not met a person yet who says 'OOh, you're just right!' People should have a little more tact and empathy. :hug:
Oooh... vent vent...

All the people who knew me before say I am humungous, and all the people who I meet for the first time and I tell them I am due in 5 or 6 weeks time, say I am tiny, they would swear I was only 4 or 5 months... :roll: :roll: :roll:

I am the smallest in my antenatal class by a long shot, yet my "friends" insist that I am huge. Grrr...

And finally! A woman stopped me by the pool (we have a communal pool) when I was 30 weeks and said "oh, you are not here on holidays anyway, you wouldnt be allowed fly, you must live here" to which I said "yes as a matter of fact, I do live here" and she was like "you must be what, 34 or 35 weeks now" and I said "no, just 30 weeks" to which she had this look of utter shock on her face! Honestly... some people have no tact.
I'm getting both lots of comments - some people consistently tell me I'm "neat" and others insist that I'm big - to the extent where my next door neighbour asked if I was sure it wasn't twins! Now I know I'm no where near either extreme so I just ignore them! What do they know anyway!
Im getting this alot but it doesnt bother me atall.. infact i actually quite like it.. its my baby!!!

Claire x
Yeah ignore them! Who cares even if you are big?! Its your baby !!
When I was about 35 weeks I had the gas man come and read the meter. I've never met this man before but he said "blimey, are there twins in there?" :evil: .
if you think it's bad people commenting on your bump when you're actually pregnant, listen to this: i bumped into a friend i'd not seen for a while in the doctors today, she'd brought her six month old son in for some jabs. we were stood in the corridor talking & a nurse walked through & said 'oooh, comparing bumps, ladies?' i wanted the ground to swallow me up! i felt so bad for her.
charlotte_ said:
if you think it's bad people commenting on your bump when you're actually pregnant, listen to this: i bumped into a friend i'd not seen for a while in the doctors today, she'd brought her six month old son in for some jabs. we were stood in the corridor talking & a nurse walked through & said 'oooh, comparing bumps, ladies?' i wanted the ground to swallow me up! i felt so bad for her.

thats defently so much worse, that happened to my SIL in tescos, the woman on the fish counter asked when she was due. Obviously she isnt pregnant and tbh not even that big but that must be so horrible for someone to think you are :shock:
Not huge - just gorgeously pregnant!!
My wife was in maternity by week 6, but didnt grow much between weeks 16 and 28.

We went to our first antenatal class on monday, and it was wonderful to see the collection of different bump sizes, shapes, etc - tell them to mind their own business and stop being jealous!
I get this daily, god only knows how many times ive been asked 'are you sure its only 1 in there' im getting a little paranoid about my weight now too so dont worry we can be stranded whales together, quick somebody call in green peace :rotfl:
People keep asking me all the time if I am sure that I am not expecting twins so I must be MAHUSIVE :wall: I didn't think I was THAT big. Ignore them people I'm telling you, I've started ignoring their comments! At least we've got an excuse for being big :rotfl:

Picture of my "massive, carrying twins" tummy yesterday at 33+6

berit87 said:
People keep asking me all the time if I am sure that I am not expecting twins so I must be MAHUSIVE :wall: I didn't think I was THAT big. Ignore them people I'm telling you, I've started ignoring their comments! At least we've got an excuse for being big :rotfl:

Picture of my "massive, carrying twins" tummy yesterday at 33+6

that has got to be the most un massive bump i have seen :rotfl:

Thank you... :rotfl: Well, you are pretty much the first one not to ask me if I am sure there's not more than baby in there :doh:

I guess people are just being ridiculous, sorry, I can't GROW A BABY IN A FLAT TUMMY :moon:

People are so rude when you are pregnant, I hope I don't get like this when I've had LO :hug:
I was actually asked when the baby was due about 3 weeks after i had my last son :evil:

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