huge movements


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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the last few days or so i have felt HUGE movements from baby. You can see him/her moving and sometimes its so bad it hurts.
Im sure im further gone than i am you know. Im only 28 weeks yet i feel bigger and i certainly look bigger.
Should i mention it to my midwife? She did say i was measuring a week bigger but i feel a few weeks bigger to me. Ive carried three so i think i should trust myself don't you or do you think its coz i have forgoteen what its like(which you do do) or maybe coz its been so hot i feel so big coz im hot and flustered.?

Ive rambled. Sorry.
I understand exactly what you mean Budge. I can't remember the movements being this big and painful at this stage with my daughter. Sometimes they make me shout out loud. And I'm also measuring bigger than normal. I was measuring almost 4 weeks bigger at my last mw appointment! But she doesn't want to see me again until I'm 37 weeks, which means I'll be measuring 41!!! :shock:

If you're concerned, get your mw to check you out. Like you said - you know how you feel.
thanks tanket.
the way im feeling i shall ask her to induce me on the 1st (next appointment of August. :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

they say ur babies get bigger the more u have, so maybe u are jusy having a bigger baba
maybe so.
But mine haven't got bigger. Maybe this ones going to be massive though just to make up for the others :doh:
hehe! so long as it comes out and its healthy thats ok.
of course my 1st was 9 pound 11 so hope this one isnt much bigger

i think this one will be a good 8 and half pounds. :D
Im the same as you Budge and i've been getting some really big movements and kicks, so much so that you can see my belly move. As much as i love to feel them they bloody hurt!
same here, i am getting the digs in the ribs too, but this little monkey wiats till i am in bed to do it lol its hurts,
maybe im being mardy then. Im sure its a giant in there though! :rotfl:
same here but last time i went to the mid wife i was measureing 24 cms which was right for my weeks, i think i am just carrying alot of water???
budge your gonna have a 10 pounder and no stitches... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
lol! well i had a 9 pounder so i suppose ill be ok.
Budge I think its because you're having a boy this time :wink:
yeah maybe thats why im so huge! :D or maybe i am havinf a 12 pounder! *hysterical laugh*

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