the last few days or so i have felt HUGE movements from baby. You can see him/her moving and sometimes its so bad it hurts.
Im sure im further gone than i am you know. Im only 28 weeks yet i feel bigger and i certainly look bigger.
Should i mention it to my midwife? She did say i was measuring a week bigger but i feel a few weeks bigger to me. Ive carried three so i think i should trust myself don't you or do you think its coz i have forgoteen what its like(which you do do) or maybe coz its been so hot i feel so big coz im hot and flustered.?
Ive rambled. Sorry.
Im sure im further gone than i am you know. Im only 28 weeks yet i feel bigger and i certainly look bigger.
Should i mention it to my midwife? She did say i was measuring a week bigger but i feel a few weeks bigger to me. Ive carried three so i think i should trust myself don't you or do you think its coz i have forgoteen what its like(which you do do) or maybe coz its been so hot i feel so big coz im hot and flustered.?
Ive rambled. Sorry.