Peed off and exited all at once :S


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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This week is a pretty exiting week for me, iv just turned 29 weeks :cheer: and it really feels so close to when i meet my little one. im so exited just cant wait to hold her, smell her and stare at her while she sleeps! :)

My mum was looking after all of DDs newborn stuff in her loft all sealed up in an huge airtight bag for when i was expecting again. she sent that off to me from England and i was due to receive it today and i was sooooo exited to go through it all. its been three years and its all so tiny and adorable. Elle had so many clothes and lovely sleepers knitted cardies i must have spent a fortune on it all and it still in perfect condition without a singe stain on anything so cant wait to use it all again and wont have to buy anything this time around (although i have quite a few little bits and bobs already :) ) anyway the postlady turned up asking for $45 cash for processing fee as the box is sooo big and heavy before she could give me it (my mum had payed £130 to post it here for me) and i didnt have the cash on me and she was so rude and i was half asleep as it was 7 in the morn and i had just woke up with my pjs on and mascara everywhere! so then she hands me a form and says go pick it up tomorrow with the money and that she couldnt just come back in a hour (after i could have nipped over the road to the ATM.) what a total b***h! anyway so now i have to wait untill tomorrow! im so exited about tomorrow already but im so busy, i have my 4D scan and get to see bubs. my first (and only) scan at 20 weeks i saw nothing as she was in a bad position but got a quick cute pic of bubs then sent on our way so this time i will actually get to see her and im so exited! then after my scan my friend is throwing a huge baby shower for me with balloons and games and food im just so exited its unreal i just wanted my parcel today as i will be so busy tomorrow! im so impatient and its put me in such a mood :wall: then LO decided to peel off half of the code i need to give the post office so wondering if they will even accept it grrrr :evil:
Awww sweetie, have some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: Enjoy your scan tomorrow, hope you have a great time :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww that would annoy me too!! have some off me too :hug: :hug: :hug:
Seriously im gona kick some postlady ass... I CANT COLLECT IT UNTILL MONDAY NOW!!! ggggggrrrrrrrrrr!! :wall: it says pick up tomorrow after 1 and i called to see if it had been shipped in yet and no i cant have it untill MONDAY!! :evil:
it would have been cheaper for your mum to bring it to you :roll:
Good luck with the scan its well worth having :D
Nasty, nasty postladies :evil:

don't worry, you'll soon get your hands on it all. I'm 29 weeks too - hurray, but crikey am i getting huge. OH laughed at me this morning as i have on a ridiculous jumper which is green but has a horridly knitted yellow labrador head on it - its gross but warm and thus necessary!! I do look awful though he he hehehehe!!!!!


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