
I actually don't like nuts. So peanut butter and other nut based products I'd never touch anyways. But I adore satay sauce! And I've not eaten it since I became pregnant.

I'm asthmatic and my hubby suffers from mild eczema. So I am wondering which way to go on this. I'd love to eat chicken satay :roll:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Thanks hun :D God that has cheered me up :D ...mum thought I was mad not to eat it too. She ate whatever she wanted when she was pregnant with me and my bro's. Back in the day there wasnt so much scare mongering going on...drives me mad!!

x x
ive eaten quite a bit of peanut butter there is to many rules on what you can and cant eat imo
manda xx
i really want peanut butter, but my midwife sad because ive got so many allergies, she doesnt advise i touch it at all :(
I have no history of allergies in my family and i really fancied it one night and gave in, it really helped my nausea as so crunchy nut cornflakes (full of sugar i know) i think nuts are a good source of protein and if there is not history of allergy i just though s*d it....I am being very careful with other things such as supplements as last time i was pregnant

i drank way too much coffee (before i found out)
way too much booze
took codliver oil
no folic acid

so I am being good this time for peace of mind xx
Thing is... You've probably already eaten something that has had peanuts in it anyway... If you look at most of the products you eat, unless it says does not contain peanuts, anyone one with a severe peanut allergy will tell you to stay well clear of it... because its guaranteed to have peanuts in it.

My midwife has never told me to not eat peanuts.. She said they were healthy to eat when pregnant. So I eat them. But in the UK there is all this panic saying it causes Asthma and allergies, and has gotten a majority of pregnant women avoiding any peanut products... So how come the UK is said to have one of the highest rates of childhood asthma and allergies in the world??? ... _n14159255

Surely if eating peanuts was a cause of childhood asthma and allergies, then the UK would have a lower rate than the rest of world? This is because Eczema, asthma and allergies do not have a single cause but have several... and unless you can avoid them all, which is not really possible, then your child will always be at risk...
I've been eating peanuts occassionally. I wouldn't turn down a snickers bar if I fancied one, but I've avoided eating a big bag of nuts.
I hadn't heard that about them being safe, I hope it's true :cheer: :cheer:
Crunchy Nut Cornflakes!!!!! :clap: :clap: I forgot about those...they're on my shopping list for tonight :D ... ge_id=1798

This article gives detail of other countries which have lower rates of peanut allergy, yet wean their babies on products that contain peanuts. It also has advice from the UK government saying that its quite probable that they were wrong about telling mothers NOT to eat peanuts.
welldone squig :clap: :clap: good info. I think there is definately something in this. Its like the 'too clean is unhealthy' debate.

I ate copius amounts of dirt as a child and Im fine :rotfl:

Right Im off to do my toast...with LOADS of peanut butter...and for all those who cant or wont eat it...Il have some for you

x x
I've been tucking in to Tracker bars and Snickers and have had the odd bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes. I also ate a lot of snickers and topic bars with my first pg and my DS is fine. I think you should only be careful if there is a history of allergy in your family.
finally the rest of the world have figured out the obvious.....cutting out certain foods actually CAUSES the allergies...nobody ever used to avoid peanuts, and nobody had a peanut a;lergy....suddenly peanuts are the enemy, and kids arent given them,hmmm I wonder why there's been an increase in allergic reactions??
as a toddler i ate nothing BUT peanuts (and bananas) , theyre a fantastic nutritious food and have been cruelly misunderstood!

yay for peanuts
Hmmm, after reading that might resume my nut munching. I did suffer from asthma and excema as a child but noone in my family have ever had food allergies. I'm sure I didn't avoid nuts when pregnant with James (don't remember hearing it back then) and he loves peanuts
I agree with what is being said, but my SIL ate peanut butter every day when she was pregnant and my 2 year old nephew has just been diagnosed with a nut allergy - so Im avoiding eating them directly but not reading labels for nut oils etc. Its really hard to know, I think the government just decided to do it this way as a trial - if the rates increase in a couple of years they will be telling everyone to eat loads of them :roll: :roll:
Nuts are ok its peanuts they say to avoid...

Why would you ladies even risk it? I have ecema and asthma and its horrible.

You just never can tell...

i live on peanut butter..bloody lovely.. midwife said.. avoid if u got direct peanut allergy.. polution causes mroe athesma.. and excema is just an allergy to something..

i dont think theres enough research to stop me eatting them..just as ive eatten eggs, prawns mussles..i dont smoke, drink or take drugs.. so a lil bot of what i likes not gona harm
Well its not like im pregnant or have kids so don;'t worry about listening to me.
No your right sharne - i too have asthma although very mild now luckily and i have told to avoid nuts during pregnancy as it can make your baby more likely to have an allergy

I think that if i didnt have the asthma i would still indulge although to be honest the only time i have nuts is at christmas any way

Your advice is very valuable Sharne, although you havent any children now you will have in the future hun :hug:
Ohhh I've got a big packet of snickers in the cupboard... I'm gonna have one RIGHT NOW :D

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