Peanut's Alexandra born 05/06/07


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
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hi everyone

have finally gone online. it's 11 days since my baby girl Alexandra was born on 05/06/07 at 13.08 weighing 7lbs 9ozs, 51cms. she is just adorable, her dad and i have fallen totally in love. she's really calm and peaceful, booby-feeding really well and getting soooo fat!

scuse the lack of capital ;letters, she's in one hand while ~I type with the other.

have got lots of pics and i'm sure i can remember some of the birth...the pool was fab, gas n air mmmmm don't know about that but it gave me something to do for the many hours!!! total proper labour 15 bloody exhausting hours. like trixipaws (big congrats on melissa btw) i had period pains for a day or so beforehand. my waters never broke and had to be popped to speed things up cos i was tired. the midwife unit where i had her was superb....shame on the pct for closing it at the end of this month.

lots of love to all new mummies, huge congrats to you all. and to all those i left behind in 3rd tri, c'mon babies hurry up! xxx

peanut xxx
:hug: :dance:
another water birth! really like the sound of that more I read about it.
A Massive CONGRATULATIONS hun and welcome baby Alexandra.

Looking foward to seeing some pics :D :dance: :dance:
topbird said:
:hug: :dance:
another water birth! really like the sound of that more I read about it.

I was all set to have her in the pool, but things were taking so long and I was so tired they got me out to get things moving. I was in the pol for for about 5 hours I think. A mum on the ward with me had her 1st baby in the water after only 3 hours of labour. Things happened very quickly for her. She said it was wonderful to see her baby floating gently up to the surface, eyes open. I think if you've enjoyed aquanatal and like going swimming you'll probably like the birthing pool.
congrats hun :cheer: and welcome to Alexandra- beautiful name :D

im seriously considering using the hospital pool as i love swimming etc and really miss having baths :(

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