paying for boiler repair in rented accomodation?????


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
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I know I live abroad and things may be slightly differant but................

we have had no hot water for 2 days plus the drain had completly blocked up. Our landlady arranged for a plumber to come round today who unblocked the drain but couldnt fix the boiler, so she had to get a electrician round, it took him a couple of hours but finally fixed it (after fusing our fuse box), anyway my DH has just informed me that our landlady wants us to pay half the costs!!!! It's only 40e but it's the principle as I dont think we should and I'm sure if it was rented a/c in UK it would be the landlords responsibility - after all it's not as if we broke it, turns out its so old and badly installed anyway.

should we be responsible to pay???????
Do you have some sort of tenancy agreement? You're right, though, here you wouldn't pay for any such costs.
Have you got a contract?? it should be stated in there. Bloody cheek though!! If it were here its the landlords responsibilty :shakehead:
Yea def landlods responsibility over here!! I hope you get it sorted. :roll:
No we dont have a contract or tenancy agreement - she does it ALL cash in hand and dosnt declare it to tax man, like a large proportion of 'landlords' here :roll: :roll: :roll: .

I didnt think the tenants would have to pay if it was UK.

I've told DH that she can go and swing for the money, I dont speak greek else I'd tell her myself!, infact it's a good job i dont cause I'd tell her a few truths about this poxy appartment!

we'll be moving in a few weeks hopefully.
If your planning n moving anyway i would tell her to go stuff herself too.

I had problems with my last landlord, I paid my rent on time etc but they would never do repairs. I didnt tel them I was moing I just left, put key through their door with a note telling them they could get knotted if they thought I was paying my months notice :lol: :lol:

Some people just take the p**s

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