Passed my driving test!


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2011
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Yes, I am 27 and only just passed my driving test (but it was my first time!). Am super happy because it means I will be able to drive Sausage places rather than rely on public transport.


I began learning years ago, but then stopped when I bought a house to save pennies, then started again and then stopped when I left my old job (just to see how finances were) - but once I got preggers I decided I had better really stick to it. I really don't enjoy driving, but am glad I can now do it when I need to.

I wonder if the fact I had to waddle to the car made the examiner pity me :D
Well done!! I'm sure you would have passed on your superb driving skills alone :yay: xx
woohoo congratulations, i passed 4 years ago, two weeks before my 2nd lo was born, i always felt the examiner felt sorry for me aswell lol x
I don't think I could pass my test now with my babybrain... I keep drifting off when I'm driving down our lane... Plus the pressure of the belt on my bump drives me mad. I didn't pass my test til I was 28 because I lived in London and there was never any need to drive, but then we moved to the countryside.

Many congratulations!! You will LOVE the freedom of being able to drive, even if you don't enjoy it much. xxx
Well done!! You did well passing first time! Took me 6 tests. Ha ha
congrats am hoping to do mine after baby is born x
Congratulations!! I don't think I could pass my test while pregnant either.... I keep getting realigned road rage!! Xx

Congrats!!! Xx

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Well done hunni, a big congrats hunni. baby will be so proud of you x x x
Congrats!! That's brilliant :)

I'm going to start mine again at some point when baby arrives :)
Congrates i passed my test in march after 6 lessons i got 0 minors or anything so was very proud, just cant afford a car :( x
Thanks everyone!

I had completely forgot I made this self-indulgent thread, was wonderful to find it with so many well wishes :D

Thhhhaaaannnkkk yyooouuu

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