parping with bottles = ready for solids?

does anyone know if it is a sign they are ready for solids when they start refusing their bottle and pushing it out of their mouth when they usually take the whole bottle?
We've tried him on baby rice, and he loved it. Ended up racing mouthful for mouthful with Charlotte and her rice krispies, watching her out of the corner of his eye. He had 3oz of formula in his rice, and started parping with the rest in his bottle, so we tried it in his beaker - bingo!!

Lauz, my instincts told me the parping was a sign, but he's also showing all the other signs which Beanie listed (apart from sitting up unaided). If you have a HV who listens, I'd chat with her.

I've left a message on my HV ansaphone to call me, no doubt we'll be graced with her presence this afternoon. Despite my contempt for her, I still think she should know. The data they collect is sent back to the DoH, and if we all say 'I weaned at 6 months', the average age for weaning, according to the DoH, will be a lot later, and in years to come they'll think 'nobody weans at 20 weeks anymore, let's increase the recommended age', and parents will be battling to wean before 8 months.
Ella has been showing some signs too, she woke in the night when she slept trough since 4 weeks and she watches my food. When I started to give her baby rice she slept through again! As she's been refusing to finish her bottle Im going to give her baby rice at 11.30 with her bottle and going to try her with sweet potato at 2.30, prepared it all last night!
tracyM said:
'ooooohhhh nooooooo, he won't show any signs until he's 6 months old'.

Funny how not so long ago it was 4 months!

Bugger HV's, try him on solids :D Damien has been on solids since he was 16.5 weeks and was gagging for it. The best thing I ever did was give him solids before 6 months :D

Damo can't hold his head up totally steady yet, but for preemies everything is different anyway. Thanks for the info though Beanie, I've not seen some of them before .

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