Parents rant....


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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I know the y worry because they love me but they drive me crazy sometimes....

Dot eat frozen vegetables buy the fresh ones.

Did you eat your fruit today?....

Don't go for a car trip because of DVT and panicking all over...I mean it's a car mum we can stop it as often we want and walk around.

In me mentioning tha I couldnt sleep last night panic again ....oh your legs maybe hurt? Or your back hurts? Or you have been sick....

Ffs I am pregnant no sick...I didn't sleep because I jut couldn sleep....

Ok those sound stupid reason to enrage but vicious I will be :(

I swear I I was telling them that I got SPD they would be in a plane flying to see m in no time :(

Rant over? Anyone else with overprotective patents???

I am probably overreacting but pregnant rage...
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My mum has been ok actually. I knew she would be :) its my OH and SIL who can drive me up the wall some days, don't eat this, don't do that! I can't even cough sometimes without one of them being on my case!!! I know its because they care for me and our baby but lighten up a little!!!!!!!x
Aww at least it shows they care but I'm sure you are scared to tell them anything incase they worry! My parents aren't like that but my oh is! He would wrap me in cotton wool if he could lol xxxx
My parents are pretty oblivious to be honnest.... we have a dificult relationship but my OH would quite happily wrap me up in cotton wool if he could.... Even when the sonographer was scanning me at our 20 week scan he politely asked 'is that going to hurt the baby'.... Bless him!!

Maybe just mention it to them and say that you are doing the best you can and you feel fine xx
Sorry I posted only on my pregnancy journal I think. Baby was laying on its tummy so it was quite hard to see any bits. It's most probably a girl :):) but need to confirm that again in 2 weeks :) so we didn't buy any blue or pink yet he he.
Hopefully in 2 weeks we will know for sure...
Awww baby got all camera shy!! Great you'll get to see them again in a couple of weeks :)
My dad is doing my head in, i've stopped going to visit he's a nightmare x
Oh my god my sister is worse we are arguing about when I should go on maternity. It's not good to go four weeks early, you need more time for the baby! she can't accept that I want to go four months early.
Oh my god my sister is worse we are arguing about when I should go on maternity. It's not good to go four weeks early, you need more time for the baby! she can't accept that I want to go four months early.

Four months? Blimey! Mind you, I will be going ten weeks early but that's mostly due to my mobility. I would also be in a hazy area for maternity pay if I left it any longer so I don't want to risk it.
I know the y worry because they love me but they drive me crazy sometimes....

Dot eat frozen vegetables buy the fresh ones.

Did you eat your fruit today?....

Don't go for a car trip because of DVT and panicking all over...I mean it's a car mum we can stop it as often we want and walk around.

In me mentioning tha I couldnt sleep last night panic again ....oh your legs maybe hurt? Or your back hurts? Or you have been sick....

Ffs I am pregnant no sick...I didn't sleep because I jut couldn sleep....

Ok those sound stupid reason to enrage but vicious I will be :(

I swear I I was telling them that I got SPD they would be in a plane flying to see m in no time :(

Rant over? Anyone else with overprotective patents???

I am probably overreacting but pregnant rage...

I sometimes wish my parents would be a *bit* more protective, they're so blase about everything. They never really ask how bump is, despite everyone and their aunt asking me that every day. When I'm feeling rough they just kind of say 'well you are pregnant!' or it's just one of those things! My mum has been there done that (obviously) so just nods and says yeah I remember that. No sympathy really!
The in laws on the other hand are always asking how I'm doing, always trying to help, always getting me off my feet!! So funny how different parents can be!! xx
I sometimes wish my parents would be a *bit* more protective, they're so blase about everything. They never really ask how bump is, despite everyone and their aunt asking me that every day. When I'm feeling rough they just kind of say 'well you are pregnant!' or it's just one of those things! My mum has been there done that (obviously) so just nods and says yeah I remember that. No sympathy really!
The in laws on the other hand are always asking how I'm doing, always trying to help, always getting me off my feet!! So funny how different parents can be!! xx

I know how you feel hun.... my mum vanished off to Sri Lanka for four months after we told them I was pregnant and although I know her vanishing and not really aknowledging the pregnancy relate to her issues and expirences it still upset me.... Mum is back now but still doesn't show much interest....


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