
Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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This morning I woke up at 7:30 and Rubie hadn't woken me :shock: She normally has a feed at 5am so I was worried. I looked into her cot and her blanket was right over her head. Well I thought she had suffocated and that's why she hadn't woken up, so I lifted the blanket expecting the worst and she was absolutely fine, just having a lie in!!
OMG Hun, id have been so worried!!!
Lazy lil Roo!!!
when you do things that like how come they always look as if to say 'yeah whats your problem!' they dont know the stress they cause sometimes!!
OMG i was reading through that and was starting to panic.

You should be happy she slept in!! But when things like that happen it spoils it!

Thye do scare you dont they i would of freaked if the blanket was over her head as well .Kiara has been laying in as well its great and at least we get more shut eye as well.
That's a horrible feeling isn't it!?

Glad you got a lie in, I wish I did!
i remember beth doing this when she was about 4months old by 5am she hadnt woken up for her feed and i would automatically wake up whether she was awake or not. this one particular morning she hadnt made a sound i got up to check on her and she had the blanket over her head, i pulled it away and she was as white as a sheep i got her out of the cot and she wasnt very responsive, called an ambulance straight away and as they got there she went blue and stopped breathing in my arms :shock: it was the scariest moment of my life :cry: they managed to get her breathing again and got her to the hospital where she was sent straight into resuss (sp?) and was then transferred to the childrens ward where she spent 2 weeks there it turned out she had a severe chest infection. I was fuming i had only taken her to see my gp the day before coz she wasnt right and he told me that i was over reacting and there was nothing wrong with her :evil:
it really was the scariest moment of my life for 3 weeks i didnt sleep at all i sat up every night not taking my eyes off her for a second, i still now get up 4 or 5 times a night to check on her.
I cant even bare to think about what could have happened if i hadnt of got up and checked on her :cry:

So glad Rubie was ok hun stuff like this really makes you think and it is such an awful feeling :cry:
OMG bubble dreamer i dont thinnk id ever sleep again of that happened to be
glad beth and roo are both ok
and roo dont scare mummy like that
bubble_dreamer said:
this one particular morning she hadnt made a sound i got up to check on her and she had the blanket over her head, i pulled it away and she was as white as a sheep i got her out of the cot and she wasnt very responsive, called an ambulance straight away and as they got there she went blue and stopped breathing in my arms :shock: it was the scariest moment of my life :cry: they managed to get her breathing again and got her to the hospital where she was sent straight into resuss (sp?) and was then transferred to the childrens ward where she spent 2 weeks there it turned out she had a severe chest infection. I was fuming i had only taken her to see my gp the day before coz she wasnt right and he told me that i was over reacting and there was nothing wrong with her :evil:

This is just what happened with Damien when he had his first of many apnoea attacks. 2 different doctors the same day told me he was fine, but he stopped breathing and when the ambulance took us to hospital we were told he had bronchiolitus :evil: Not amused.
Sami said:
bubble_dreamer said:
this one particular morning she hadnt made a sound i got up to check on her and she had the blanket over her head, i pulled it away and she was as white as a sheep i got her out of the cot and she wasnt very responsive, called an ambulance straight away and as they got there she went blue and stopped breathing in my arms :shock: it was the scariest moment of my life :cry: they managed to get her breathing again and got her to the hospital where she was sent straight into resuss (sp?) and was then transferred to the childrens ward where she spent 2 weeks there it turned out she had a severe chest infection. I was fuming i had only taken her to see my gp the day before coz she wasnt right and he told me that i was over reacting and there was nothing wrong with her :evil:

This is just what happened with Damien when he had his first of many apnoea attacks. 2 different doctors the same day told me he was fine, but he stopped breathing and when the ambulance took us to hospital we were told he had bronchiolitus :evil: Not amused.

Sami *hugz* i know how awful it is. It annoys me so much they are allowed to get away with it, if it was their child they wouldnt let it go would they :evil: i ended up making formal complaints to the surgery manager and the local nhs thingy (cant remember what they are called :lol: ) and nobody was interested. I think its disgusting if i hadnt got up to check on beth that morning she may not be here now and it is all down to their incompetence :evil:

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