Panic stations......


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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So, everything's been going quite good until earlier today.......

Went to the loo, and when I wiped there was bright red blood :(

Instant reaction was to panic, then rang best friend who advised me to ring the doctors. Spoke to a lovely female GP who took all my details and rang epau at hospital and rang me back.

So, got an emergency scan tomorrow morning, have come home from work and trying to just take it easy this aft. Had tears already and trying to stay positive. I had my 12 week scan a week ago yesterday and everything was fine so hoping bubs is still fine and it's just body playing silly buggers with me.

Then next 20 hours are going to go sooooo slowly.

Jill xx
Hun, My sister bled small amouts the whole way though her pregnancy and her little girl was born perfect. Im a Paramedic and I deal with pregnant women bleeding early all the time. Trust me, most of the time its not the worst case. I know nothing anyone can say can stop you worrying but Im sure that your bubs is a perfect as a week ago x
Really hope all is OK hun, I have no experience of this but sending hugs - take it easy and try not to worry too much if you can xxx
Oh hun, I hope everything is ok. Rest up and try and relax, easier said than done I know. I am sure you will be fine. Keep us posted xxx
Good luck for scan tomorrow, hope all is well :hugs:
I also had a really heavy bleed just before my 12 week point. I was absolutely terrified, it was literally running down my legs complete with clots and allsorts!! (Sorry if tmi lol)!! I too had to wait 24 hours for a scan - the longest 24 hours ever - but everything was absolutely fine. They just said it must have been one of those things. FX it will turn out to be the same for you too hun xxx
Thanks so much ladies, you're support is fantastic! Gutted this had to be my first post in tri 2 tho! I'll keep you posted xxxx
Oh bless you - take care an I hope everything is ok for you and baby. xxx
Really hope everything is ok. Fingers crossed all is well and good luck with your scan tomorrow xxx
Hi Hun, sorry to Tri hop but just wanted to wish you the best of luck for your scan tomorrow and to say that I had three big bleeds between 15-20 weeks, no real reason known for them either. The Dr did tell me that our cervix get a bit vascular and some women develop polyps in their cervix's which can bleed spontanouesly. I think it more common than we realise. Try to rest up and let us know how you get on xx
I do hope your scan tomorrow proves that everything's fine with bubs , Good luck I've got everything crossed for you, big hugs xx
Hope all is well at the scan tomorrow. x
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