panic - my waters just broke!


Active Member
Nov 24, 2007
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I am slightly freaking out - my waters have just broken (at 4am) which is great because it means I am going to meet my little man soon :dance: but HELP!!!!!! I have had no contractions whatsoever not even any braxton hicks and so am on red alert but also a bit confused as I asumed that we would now be dashing to the hospital not just going back to bed.

There is no mistaking that it was my waters going and they were clear so I know that I and the baby are fine but I feel that I should be doing something :think:

Think I will go back to bed and phone the hospital first thing tomorrow and see what they say.

OMG - I am going to have a baby :shock: :cheer:
Best of luck hun and keep us updated :cheer: :hug:

(It's 3:20am here and the reason I am up is because I am feeding one hungry little man :wink: )
No chance of getting back to sleep. Had a shower and gone through my bag again and just waiting around really.

Still no contractions although my bump is definately lower, tighter, smaller and achey. Will give it an hour or so then go to the hospital (takes an hour to get there) just to get everything checked out. Bubs has been a bit quiet but I think he is just conserving his energy.

Cant believe it is all happening(ish) and we are going to be bring our little man home soon :pray: :cheer:
Yaay :cheer:
Why don't u just give them a ring tell them what happened and if there is no rush get some rest im sure u need it. i know it's difficult as things are getting exciting now :cheer: :cheer:
wish u all the luck
:cheer: YAY!

Try and get a bit of sleep- you'll need the energy :)

Can't wait to hear you've got your baby :wink:
YAY!!! try to chill out while its possible hun, you'll be glad of the rest later on :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Yeah for you your little man is on the way :D Good luck hunny :dance:
not long now keep us updated

sarah :hug: :wave:
good luck... :hug: :hug: :hug: remember Spanish hospitals like you to go straight up the minute your waters go and keep you in... :hug: :hug: :hug:
good luck
you will be just fine, like the other girls say get some rest you may need it
Good luck! :hug:

I think the general idea is that contractions usually start within 24 hours of the waters breaking. I know when Bloom's went in the morning she had the whole day to potter around (leaking - nice!) before her contractions started in the night...
Good luck! I didn't even know my waters had gone! :lol:

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