No, don't panic!!!!
I have never gone into labour naturally as I was induced with my lb so I have nothing to compare to but honestly it was fine.
I was brought in first thing in the morning and given the pessary and hooked up to the monitors. I wasn't really allowed out of bed, only for the loo but I know this can be different for others as they are often advised to go for walks around the hospital etc.
After a while I started to get crampy pains but all manageable. Breaking my waters was the worst pain in my whole labour and I know this is different for others so I don't know why mine was so bad. Up until this point I had had no pain relief, I'd been offered paracetamol but had turned it down because although it was sore I was coping.
After they broke my waters I was taken up to the labour ward and had an epidural. It felt like hours went by but hubby and I watched some TV, spoke general chat to the midwife and had a sleep.
I woke with a different kind of pain and they realised that it was pressure as I was fully dilated and so the fun began! Not sure how long went by but Tyler was born at 4.48 in the morning greeted by a full team of people in the room as it had got a bit tense. When he arrived they realised his cord was round his neck twice but he was perfect, all 5lbs 10oz of him and after they cleaned him up he came to me for skin to skin and then to daddy for some skin to skin because I was a bit sick after lol!
I know that everyone's experience is very different but I think ours was pretty positive but as I said I have nothing to compare it too yet lol! Hopefully hearing other people's experiences will help as I hadn't heard any and was completely clueless so I think that maybe made me a bit apprehensive. Hopefully it won't be the same for you Lulu!! It's so exciting!! xx