Pampers Welcome Pack


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Anyone received this yet? It's the one being advertised on the tv but you got to be less then 32 weeks to be able to get it (which I think is silly!). I got an email last night saying it was on its way and should be with me within 7 days.xx
I think I may have received it early pregnancy, but I'm not sure received so much. My MIL told me yesterday we have to be 32weeks. :s I'm now confused. x
:) I had one ages ago was probably when I was around 10 weeks......I love freebies ! It was ok for free but nothing special.
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Just checked your meant to receive it betweeen 28 and 32 weeks so I have a while to wait :)
I haven't received mine yet! I was 32 weeks and a few days when I applied for it but I kinda lied and said I was only 30 weeks! Lol. But they've not been in touch with me about it. :/
yay me too! and i wrote a little note in the aadditional info bit about having twins so they are ending me 2! Just realised that i never claied a bounty pack! how do i go about this? just embracing the freebies as every little helps! :) x
I got my first bounty pack in the hospital - but think the next stage ones are available from lloyds pharmacies or argos.

i got an email from pampers today to say they have posted it :)
I was cheeky and put in a diff due date so I would get it lol
Bounty packs can be got from sainsburys and either boots or llyods x
I got the same email last night lol.

I got my second bounty pack from Superdrug. There is a wee pampers pack in there with one nappy, but I'm sure I read that this one has 10? :D Love a freebie!

i live on the crappy little island known as guernsey originally from ireland and will be moving home come bubba arrives but ive NO IDEA what ye are all talking about at all :)
what do u have to tke into boots to get ur bounty pack? think i missed the boat on this one with the twwin suprise in the beginning! trying to catch up on it now! x
I got my email for the pampers pack yesterday - infact I got 2 emails! I think I might have double registered :blush:.
Princess I think there was a voucher in the bounty book which I got from the MW at my first appt, I can't be 100% sure though x x x

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