Yeah it seemed so much more relaxing when I was being shown around. My MW said that this birth centre only handles about 155 births a year, and it's normally really quiet there, the guarantee you one to one care etc. I really liked the ambience there, because I've been in labour wards before and it was super stressful, MWs running about everywhere, this was more calm...
I think they have two pools there as well, and with it being so quiet, it's very likely I'd have full use of whatever I wanted, and the waterbirth idea (at least for pain relief) is something I'm really interested in, especially if they can't give me an epidural.
MW told me that with most people the adrenaline kicks in and their bodies just want to get the baby out when there are no epidurals... Hope that's the case. But she said as well that if I couldn't go on, they'd get me to the hospital.
Knopk@ - It's not wimpy at all to want an epidural! I still haven't made my mind up 100%, midwife told me I have 4 weeks to change my mind if I want to go to hospital, so I need to have a serious think whether I want to have all the pain relief available just in case!