Painful BH?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Hi ladies, is anyone else having painful BH? I find them very very uncomfortable and have to breathe through. And they are not even the real thing.

Bubs doesnt like them either and starts kicking which makes it worse:wall2:
I was literally emailing my OH about those pesky contractions... I haven't really had them very often up until this week, when they've been coming thick and fast, especially at night time when I feel like I'm about to nod off, one comes out of nowhere!

I never expected them to be this bad, to the point where I'd have to stop what I was doing and breathe through them! What are the real ones going to be like!!!

Don't think my LO likes them either, he starts headbutting my ribs for about 10 minutes after each one! Not nice!

ive had them from 16 weeks x i dont find them painful just uncomfortable x my OH can feel them coming on and finds it fasinating when my belly goes from soft to rock hard x

i had them early on with my previous pregnancies too. i think breathing and trying not to stress is the best thing you can do till it passes x x
I also had them from 16w.. V uncomfortable with chest tightenings.. I remember towards the end it was getting painful and having to stop and breathe thru them.. Just try to relax when you have one it should help xx
I have had tightenings before but they were not painful, now they are really not nice. Maybe our bodies are really gearing up? Its not just tightenings but the crampy/period like pain
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well ive had period pains pretty much all day everday for last few weeks, and pains are all in back n sides so know exactly how u ladies feel

had them from 20 wks with first whats worse is i remember what labour feels like now lol eeekkk lol
I dont even want to imagine how labour feels like. Paracetamol is useless for me and codeine makes me sick, what am I going to do?
its bad i wont lie, but i had a bad labour, other ppli know go oh its not so bad - makes me want to smack them lmao
its bad i wont lie, but i had a bad labour, other ppli know go oh its not so bad - makes me want to smack them lmao
I have been getting tips on how to get an epidural, I seriously think that going through labour naturally will scar me for life, I have extremely low pain threshold:wall2:
its bad i wont lie, but i had a bad labour, other ppli know go oh its not so bad - makes me want to smack them lmao
I have been getting tips on how to get an epidural, I seriously think that going through labour naturally will scar me for life, I have extremely low pain threshold:wall2:

ur just like me at 3cm i needed gas and air, and managed that till 7cam when i needed pethadine, they couldnt give me an epidural as nobody was available but now ive seen how its done i dont want it lol

had another shot of pethadine as couldnt cope with pain, was pushing for 4 n half hrs as she was stuck (when i told me new hospital they went mad as longest u should push is 2 hrs bfore they assist)

i then had 6 needles in my back as thy thought id need a c-section, they used the ventouse but it didnt work so i had to be cut twice and she was born by assisted deivery by forceps - scary and painful but here i am almost 4 yrs klater willing to do it all again
My sister had a similar birth.. No epidural, back to back.. Ventouse.. And forceps.. They even tried turning my niece manually like a cow lol hands right in there!!
And my niece was one end of June.. She's due my nephew on Sunday!! And she has a VERY low pain threshold!!
I told my husband we are using contraception straight away cause I want my body back first!
I don't blame you!
My BH aren't painful just uncomfortable and often happen after I've had a wee strangely.
I too am very afraid of the pain, I'll be accepting all the pain relief going!
I'm having a nightmare trying to decide where to give birth! When I went to see my new midwife, she showed me around my local birth centre and told me all about everything they offer etc, and it's literally 5 minutes away from my house... Compared to the hospital which isn't too far away distance wise but there is always so much traffic it literally takes about 40 minutes to go 5 miles because no matter what time of day (apart from night time) it's always gridlock...

But the hospital is where they have the epidurals! I thought I might be able to manage without, but these BHs are making me reconsider!!!

I didnt consider birthing center just because they dont have all the pain relief options. But i am such a wimp.
I had my Lo in a birth centre and from talking to people they are much more relaxing. I had just gas and air and he was back to back. I was asking for pethadine at 10cm which was too late. Birth centres also tend to have pools but they were in use when I had my lo but I know it helps I spent hours in bath in early labour. Also if your really struggling they will transfer you by ambulance so you can have an epidural if your not too late. I found adrenaline kicked in when it got further on so it wasn't as bad as you expect.
Yeah it seemed so much more relaxing when I was being shown around. My MW said that this birth centre only handles about 155 births a year, and it's normally really quiet there, the guarantee you one to one care etc. I really liked the ambience there, because I've been in labour wards before and it was super stressful, MWs running about everywhere, this was more calm...

I think they have two pools there as well, and with it being so quiet, it's very likely I'd have full use of whatever I wanted, and the waterbirth idea (at least for pain relief) is something I'm really interested in, especially if they can't give me an epidural.

MW told me that with most people the adrenaline kicks in and their bodies just want to get the baby out when there are no epidurals... Hope that's the case. But she said as well that if I couldn't go on, they'd get me to the hospital.

Knopk@ - It's not wimpy at all to want an epidural! I still haven't made my mind up 100%, midwife told me I have 4 weeks to change my mind if I want to go to hospital, so I need to have a serious think whether I want to have all the pain relief available just in case!

I think the thought of not being able to have pain relief would make me want it more if you know what I mean..
But the fact it's a much calmer more one to one experience would help alot with pain management.. Tough call really.. I think the fact you can go by ambulance to get an epidural is reassuring though.. I think I'd rather have the birth centre :)
I've chosen to go to the birth centre here purely cause I don't want the temptation of havin an epi! The thought of having one really freaks me out for some reason, and I'd love a water birth! X
Ouchies, I've been getting painful BH's too! Really should consult my M/W. All the best ladies x x

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