Pain When I Sneeze?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
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Yesterday afternoon I felt exhausted (worse than ever before) and had such a bad headache, so I went up to bed. I sneezed later in the evening and had a terrible and sharp pain down my left hand side. After it ached. Today it has continued to ache and still feel exhaused. Could the two be linked? Has anyone else had anything like this? Also, and this is a bit embarressing, when I went to the toilet this morning it was wet - pos lots of discharge but am worried. I called the mw who said as long as no bleeding not to worry. Just wondered if anyone else had had this and if it was normal? Thanks.
I've had something like this while not pregnant - think it was when I was a bit gassy (sorry if TMI!) and I got a REALLY sharp pain on one side that took ages to go. Don't know if that is helpful?
I often get a sharp pain in my right side when I sneeze but it normally goes away.

The rule with pain is - if it persists for more than a couple of hours get it looked at. It is probably nothing but if you are worried see a doctor or go to a&e....

Sorry I'm not much help

You may have strained a muscle sneezing. I used to often get pains from sneezing and so on when PG. Stretching pains.

Discharge sounds like CM and normal. Invest in some panty liners.

TBH if its a continuous pain with no let up I'd consider calling NHS Direct or going to see your GP tomorrow but otherwise I'd not be worrying overly right now.
Not sure about the pain, you may have strained yourself? :think:

As for the discharge thats totally normal, I get it all the time!
I always get a pain when I sneeze. It's a very short lived pain but it scared the living daylights out of me at first but then I discovered that apparently your ligaments are alot more prone to straining - and pain when sneezing is quite common.

I'm sneezing loads more since BFP and have found a way to avoid the pain - by bringing my knees up to my chest before I sneeze. :lol:

Does it feel like a pulled muscle pain?
The aching does feel like I have done too many sit-ups! Is feeling a lot better today actually and am not as tired. (have slept for last 18 hours thou so should feel better lol). Thanks for the reassurances, its difficult because everything seems worse when pregnant and worry constantly about things you would normally not even think about!
I think you have probably just strained yourself from sneezing, I did this one morning, I was laying in bed and sneezed and felt a pain.
not sure about sneezing, but i've been getting that sort of sharp pain when i cough too hard (i've got a cold :( ) midwife said nothing to worry about though. cant remember where i read it but i'm sure i saw something somewhere about the amount of CM we produce having a connection with the amount of other such mucus (ie snot etc) our body is producing. i've had a lot od CM recently (sorry TMI) and my nose is running like mad so i figured my body must just be in mucus overdrive-yuck lol! hope its some comfort to u that ur not alone in this, i've been freaking out over every little thing so i know what its like to feel the worry. good luck x

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