pain post section?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I had a c section 11 days ago, and for the last few days my tummy's been really tender across my belly above the section scar. It's not the actual section scar itself but a couple of inches above the scar. It's really tender and even just touching the area is painful. Is this normal or has anyone else had this?

Hi Helen :hug:
I don't wanna freak you out but I got pain for years after my c-section...
I think its cos they slice through the layers of muscles and then sew them back together again so its gonna take a long while for the muscles to relax and stop aching. Also when they perform a c-section they don't just cut you open and pull the baby out.. the surgeons and assistants actually will push down on your stomach to simulate uterine contractions n bring the baby out with those contractions - not sure whether you was in labour or not when you had your section? they do this to help squeeze the fluid outta bubs lungs cos this usually happens going down the birth it maybe you've got some internal bruising caused by this handling :hug:
You may find you have a numb spot around your scar for years to come honey..
If the pain gets excrutiating then get it checked out by a doc as you may have some sort of internal infection but I'd say goin by my own experience that its entirely normal to be feelin achey muscle pain this soon after a c-section...maybe you've over done it a bit n all...
Feet up woman.. take it easy.. get people to run around after you ok :hug: you've just had major surgery - sommat i think alot of c-section mummies forget!! :hug: love Sarah xxx
I found I had a similar pain for a while and sometimes a numb feeling too but it gradually got better and I don't have any issues with my scar - or that area. If it gets worse I'd see the doc just to be sure but it should start to get better in the next couple of weeks.
Is the skin quite red and a bit lumpy where it is tender?

I had this and it developed into an infection, definitely mention it to your midwife when she next comes to your house alternatively if you have been discharged then go see your GP, you will ned it treating asap with antibiotics.

Othewise if its a bit numb like what others have described then yes nothing to worry about its very common due to the nerves that are cut during surgery.

Hope you get it sorted.
Well, I had a section just nearly 6 weeks ago. I had/have stabbing pains about 2/3cms above my scar. After 10 days I had yellowy stuff weeping out it, also at certain bits along my scar it feels hard?? a couple of midwives checked it and just told me to keep it clean and dry, put sterile gauze on it.
After 3 weeks it was still no better and a hole had appeared about 2 cm above my scar, so I freaked and went to the nurse at my GP's. Turns out my 'dissolving' stitches had not dissolved, so my body was treating them as a foreign body as such and pushing them out, so she cut them out, put gauze soaked in iodine on it, hole was totally cleared in a couple of days.
In the past 10 days I've had more weeping out certain bits, exactly the same again but this time I can actually see the sttiches coming out the holes so I'm back to the nurse again tomorrow to get them cut out :(
I can tell where they are going to be because my scar is fine apart from at certain bits there are like red half circles above the scar, this is where the undissolved stitches have been.
I'd never heard of these stitches not dissolving until my sister had an op on her knee in March, her stitches didn't dissolve and she had to get them cut out, then it happened to me. But as I've been telling people I've found its much more common than you'd think!


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