pain pain pain


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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Hi Girls, Oh my god im in so much pain, no bleeding but the pain is awful its down one side and over the top of my belly. I know u get pains in 1st tri, this is my 3rd pregnancy, but ive never had pains like this!!

Any advice??? :hug:
Firstly :hug: - when I had pain in the first tri my EPU suggested taking 2 paracetamol and seeing if that improved it - if it didnt I was to ring them straight back.

Perhaps you could try that and if you still have these pains pop along to E&A?

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x
reallyoldmum said:
Firstly :hug: - when I had pain in the first tri my EPU suggested taking 2 paracetamol and seeing if that improved it - if it didnt I was to ring them straight back.

Perhaps you could try that and if you still have these pains pop along to E&A?

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Jane x

thanks for replying hun :hug:

I have tried paracetomol, do u think its best to ring NHS direct 1st?? i might be seen quicker if they think I should be
Yes thats a good idea but to be honest if you are in pain I suspect they will suggest a trip to the hospital. Do you have pain anywhere else? I was convinced it was something awful but found out when we got the scan that I was constipated :oops: it really put my mind at rest though and was glad I went.

Let us know how you get on and try not to worry too much :hug:

Jane x
you might find that its cause ya have the runs that you are having pains???
over the top of your belly and down one side is probably the runs!
it's following your bowel track :hug:

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