Pain on Left side?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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Hi everyone, hope someone can help.
Ive not had a period for over a year now so i dont know whats going on with my cycle- what day im on etc...
We have been ttc anyway, hoping cycle will get back to normal after depo injection.
This month I have had a lot of symptoms which i thought were in my head, such as very bad nausea, boobs grown, constipation (not nice) lol etc. Did a test and was bfn. The past three days I have had a pain on my left side, i am wondering if this could be a cyst? Anyone any ideas?
I get pain on my left side - esp this month around ovulation - could it be you are ovulating. Other than that I don' know I am afraid
Thanks for replying. oooooo..... i really hope it is that im ovulating... weve been at it like rabbits! lol! :rotfl:
Thanks for all the :hug: roseanimal xxx
As i dont know when my first day of cycle is as have no af is there any point me making a note of my temperature- ive bought a thermometer but not used it yet as was waiting for af to happen :think:
I get a dull pain in my left side (sometimes right) when I am oving so it could be ov time for you :pray:

I really hope it is and that you get your BFP soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks A&J :hug:
I had some tablets to bring on ovulation from my gynie, and she told me to test on the 22nd (of course i couldnt wait and already
I think i will test again then... if its a bfn then maybe im ovulating now which would be great as weve been at it everynight recently just incase! lol :rotfl: If pain continues i will go docs.
If it was up to me id be testing every morning just incase!lol
Pain on the left side can also be implantation pain so its either implantation pain
or ovulation pain hun :D x
ooooo... see now i dont want to get my hopes up too much but my doc gave me Duphaston to bring on a cycle, she said i will get my af within the 10 days of taking the tablets... only nothing.. she said test 2 weeks after the pills end if no af... so that will be Thursday :pray: Fingers crossed... :rotfl:
Hun fingers crossed for you seems strange why you aint started your
af if the tablets are suppose to bring it on sounds good :cheer:

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