Bleeding after BD???


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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Well I think im about to see af! Need some advice. :doh:
Just after the OH and I finished Bd went to the loo and there was blood when i wiped, im now hoping this is the start of my af- i came off depo provera injection on 7th January and was worried i may not get my af back for a while.

I really am hoping this is my af and not a cyst- i had a cyst removed a couple of years ago and the main symptom was pain on my left side and bleeding after sex. Fingers crossed the cysts arent back again :wall:

If this is the start of af, do i class today as cd1 or tomorrow when i see af properly??? I really want to start charting :moon:
Hi Puddin, I get a little bit some times we bd but I don't worry too much as last time I had a smear the nurse said my cervix has erosions and that it was nothing to worry about lots of women have it, and she said that I will often get a small bleed after bd.

I might just be your af if you are due it could be spotting, the girls on here have told me that day 1 is first full flow of af.
Thanks Louf :hug: ever since ttc ive been paranoid about the slightest thing!
I think im the one of the only people on here wanting to see af! :lol: I really want to start charting.
I know how you feel about the charting I started this cycle and finding it really intresting !! I know about paranoid too and obsessed and nurotic and ........!!! If it wasnt for this forum the men in white coats would have taken me away!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hi hon, if af doesnt appear and you keep bleeding after bd then I would just get a quick check up done, better to be sure and then you can start ttc with no worries. I take first proper day of af as the start, full flow not spotting .
hope that helps!! :)
:rotfl: Louf- im exactly the same! my oh thinks im mad spending soo much time on this site, until tonight- after i told him about the bleeding he started to google af and had really started to get into it- he's becoming obesessed like me! lol :rotfl: Ive had my thermometer at the side of my bed for weeks.... lol

hondagirl- thanks very much hun :hug: I had a check up on Dec 29th and got the all clear- i have check ups every 6 months as i had my operation to remove a huge dermoid cyst on ovary 2 years ago. In december my gynie did a scan and said my ovary is now working! yay! and everything else looks fine! I am due a smear though- i live in Turkey at the mo, and was going to wait until im in the UK to have it done, maybe i should book in here just to be on the safe side! fingers crossed its af :hug:
Yep Mick thinks I am insane!! Think might be a good idea to have smear hun just to check it out and put your mind at rest. x x x

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